Hand in marriage

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Callisto: Can I have a moment as well?

Duke: Of course, your highness.

Callisto came over and ignored me as he came towards my father and then went down on his knees. It made me look at him in shock since he was the crown prince. Normally there was no one he needed to bow to and there was also absolutely no need for this but he just went down on his knees in front of my father.

Duke: What is the-

Callisto: I want to take Penelope's hand in marriage. Can I get your consent and good wishes for that.

Well would you look at that! It made me soo speechless hearing this come from him. It was definitely not something I expected coming from Callisto. I don't know what I did expect but not this. I knew he announced that we were fiances but it was not even real so this time he was making it for real and making it offical as well.

Callisto: I want to hold a engagement cerimony in a weeks time. I love her soo much and I can't go without her.

Duke: Penelope is this really what you want?

Me: Yes father.

Duke: *sigh* It pains me to give my daughter away but I can't make my daughter be sad anymore.

Me: So this means?

Duke: Yes. However the Eckhart mansion will be hosting the engagement cerimony.

Callisto: Please let the crown help out as well.

Duke: No need for that. She is my daughter and we ignored her for too long. It's enough what we did, I want her to be happy and if this makes her happy then I want to be the one planning it.

Callisto: Very well.




I still remember this moment till today. It was just the start of everything. Nothing really mattered to me back then but who would have thought that not even a year after everything Ivonne was found and not only that but I got married to the crown prince joining his family. Of course there were dangerous events everywhere but I was not helpless at all and together with Callisto we went through some assassination and poisening attempts. There was no time we were not being careful and looking after each other but at least we had each other.

Callisto: Penelope, where are you?

Me: Here Callisto!

Callisto: What are you doing here?

Me: What does it look like?

Callisto: Trying to kill someone.

He was not that wrong since I had soo many books right in front of me. For the past times over and over again, his mother did try to kill us. Now it was my turn to play this game of revenge with her. 

Me: Well... you are not that wrong.

Callisto: Who are you trying to get rid off?

Me: The one person trying to get rid of us over and over again. Who else?


Me: You don't like it?

Callisto: Of course not! You shouldn't be the one doing that or even worrying about this!

Me: ... 

Callisto: But I also won't stop you. Let's see what you have come up with.

Hah, this was our relationship. I was called the mad dog of Eckhart which they now liked to call the mad hound but his highness the crown prince had the name of the mad and bloodthirsty prince. People were tlaking about us behind our backs and who cares about that. We were called mad and no matter what it was, we should be thankful for our reputations. Who would have known that it was actually really helpful since noe one dared to appraoch us this way.

Callisto: I think this would work best.

Me: No antidote either... it's just a slow one.

Callisto which will make it look like an accident.

Me: I like it.

Callisto: Very well then I will arrange for this to happen you just relax and take care of yourself.

Me: MH!

Madness was not something people knew well. We were not mad but we were planning everything carefully through. The reason why people thought about us like that was because they didn't know about the things we had encountered and went through.

If they saw us together, they would certainly run.

However for people who knew us, they also knew not to question our decisions.

Whelp, whatever we had our plans and we were thinking about everything even the happiness of every single citizens together since the burdon was no longer just on him but on myself too. This was how we also got rid of the queen in a quiet matter. It was a sleeping poison which took about 6 month to react and for the poor queen who died in her sleep, it was just short grieving as things went on.

Now me and Callisto could live our lives together without fearing that there would be assassins everywhere we go. His brother was even routing for us as well. Well how strange life can be for sure....


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story and thanks for reading it.... also sorry I am not someone who can write ships quite well but I am trying my best :)

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