Rest! There is no rest!

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When I woke up, I found myself laying in a very confortable bed and the ceiling looked really different. I was still feeling a bit weak but that was not really something surprising after what had happened. My body was quite weak but not that weak. My mental state was just exhausted as well and in combination, I could tell that I had probably passed out.

???: Are you feeling better now?

At first I didn't recognize the voice but when I slowly sat up and then looked at the course, I saw Callisto sitting in a chair next to the bed.

Me: Yeah....

Callisto: I am glad. Does it hurt?

He looked at my neck and I could tell what was going on in an instant. This guy was worried and it made me feel happy knowing that.

Me: No. I am fine. Don't worry about this injury.

Callisto: .... 

Me: Where am I though?

Callisto: In my room. You are my fiance after all.

Alright, this was moving a bit too fast but if he needed me to be his fiance then so be it.

Me: Oh.

Callisto: My mother insisted that you had to visit her once you are up.

Me: Can you come with me?

Callisto: Scared?

Me: No but you think I am a spy and I am not one. I would rather you be around and hear it yourself.

Callisto: So you are aware.

Me: Of course I am. I am not dumb but I won't disappoint you.

We would have talked a bit more if not for the knock on the door and then Callisto letting the person in. It was really something else looking at Callisto who then moved into the bed and cuddled closer with me. My face was bright red and I knew this was not something I could hide soo easily at all.

Callisto: Why are you disturbing me?

Servant: Her majesty called for her.

Callisto: Tell her we are busy.

Servant: I am sorry but that is not possible.

Callisto: Do you-

I knew what he wanted to do but I was way ahead of him as I just picked up the glass of water next to the bed side and thew it at the servant making my eyes look sharp and calculated. I was the mad dog of Eckhart after all.


The servant backed away after the glass hit her and then got out of the room. It was only then that I let go off the tension and looked at Callisto.

Me: Sorry... I thought this might be the best choice.


Me: Hm?

I was confused at his sudden reaction as well as the small kiss on my cheek as well. 

Callisto: A small toke of gratitude.

That was all before he got out leaving me in the room alone for a moment.

What in the world just happened....

Did he kiss me for real...

Did he really kiss me?

Was this for real?

I mean it was a small kiss but still... Did he...

No way...!


I am happy that I am still alive and he gave me the opportunity to actually proof myself.

It was just for a moment and then Callisto came back with another servant which had some food and some cloths carrying inside the room.

Callisto: Eat and rest for the day.

Me: Thanks but I can manage myself.

Callisto: Really?

Me: Yeah....

Callisto: Take it easy for the day.

Me: Alright thanks.

He did watch me eat and get dressed and I didn't mind it at all. The servants were helping me with everything and got me the food on bed as well. This was true luxury and besides there was this small corner of the room which had something where I could get dressed without his eyes looking at my every body.

Callisto: No need to hide as my fiance.

Me: Oh who said I am hiding?

Callisto: Then what are you?

Me: I want to surprise you, no cheating allowed.

I wanted to make it look like we were in love and I could tell that he wanted to do this as well as the servants were in our room. So I staretd playing along and once I was done with everything, I got to him and sat right in his lap hugging him smiling at the crown prince.

Me: Can you not stay with me for the whole day?

Callisto: I might kill them all if you want me to return to you sooner.

Me: Oh that would be lovely. Can you get me the same present like your brother?

Callisto: Did you like it?

Me: Yes. It was the most beautiful gift I have seen.

Let's just say our conversation was enough to make anyone's skin be filled with goosebumps! This was no joke after all and I knew how to play my cards well. It didn't take long for the servants to get out.

Callisto: I have something to do. You can do whatever you want.

Me: I'll stay in here then.

Callisto: Sure and keep up that act.

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