The rehearsal

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Ring! Ring! my alarm jolts me awake. I reach over pressing the snooze button not wanting to face the day yet. I swear I had only shut my eyes for a second before the blaring alarm goes off again. "Ok ok I'm awake, jeez" I say angrily. I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes. I slide my feet off the bed and pull my blanket off. I walk over to my vanity and begin the long process of getting ready. I start with my skincare splashing moisturiser and sunscreen onto my face, then I get dressed into my awful grey uniform. I hate how it makes me look, so boxy, I feel so insecure. My shoulders look so wide and bulky, and don't even get me started on how fat the jumper makes me look. I just wish I could wear casual clothes. But at the same time I don't because then there would be pressure on what outfit I chose every single day. I stop looking in the mirror and go back to my vanity to start doing my makeup. I put on quite a lot today as I'm not feeling great. I'm doing my second layer of mascara when my mum walks in. " hey el don't forget you have the rehearsal for the big concert today, so make sure you bring your violin to school" she reminds me. I had completely forgotten about that stupid concert, I don't even want to go, but mums making me. "Yes yes I won't forget" I say irritatedly. "Alright, have fun" she leaves my room shutting the door behind her. There's no way I'm going to have fun, sitting in a boring concert hall all day, playing my violin, at least liv is going as well without her I'd be so lonely. Finally I brush through my tangled bed hair and tie it back in a lose pony tail. I  check the time on my phone; 8:12 "shit I'm going to be late". I rush downstairs and shove my lunch in my bag and then grab my violin and run towards the bus stop. I just get on the bus right before it leaves.

As soon as I get off the bus I see liv waiting for me. "Ready for the most boring day of our lives?" She says. "I don't think I'll ever be ready" I say grimacing. We follow the crowd of students heading for the stage door to enter violet hall. "Look it's not that bad, some people had to be here at 7:30" liv says. "Thank god that's not us" I can't imagine getting up that early to practice for this dumb concert. When we enter the door we are directed upstairs towards the 'strings' dressing room. I don't even want to play the violin anymore, it's so boring, but my mum makes me. She loves music, she's been making me do it since I was 6 years old. We put down our instruments and unpack them so they are ready for when it's our time to perform. Liv's orchestra is up first and I go sit in the audience to watch her practice. There's pretty much no one else her to hang out with other than liv, so I don't really have another option.

I'm up straight after liv so we switch places. She goes to watch in the audience and I quickly go upstairs to get my violin and then head to the stage and wait until we are called onstage. Our turn goes by quickly and before I know it's over. I pack away my violin and meet back up with liv. "And now we wait 3 hours till the mass item" liv says rolling her eyes "great just what I wanted to do with my day" I groan. We wait watching other groups performing, looking at our phones, talking, exploring the building. Finally everyone gets called to do the mass item which is basically like one big performance with every single student singing, it's chaos. Liv gets sent off to another section, so I go talk to this girl Charlie. She nice just a bit boring that's all. But guess who came up to us. Archie Turnbull! He just appeared out of nowhere and stood in our circle. He and Charlie start talking, of course their in the same band. "Oh um have you guys met before" Charlie asks. "No not really" Archie says. I've never heard him speak before, he has a really nice voice not super deep but in the middle. "Well Eleanor this is Archie, Archie this is Eleanor" Charlie says pointing to me and then Archie. I give him a slight smile, and he returns it with a large beautiful warm smile. His smile brightens up the whole room. We then all talk for a while about generic things not very interesting. But I can't keep my eyes off him the whole time it's like I'm magnetically attracted to him.

Finally they start leading students onto the stage into the positions for the masses item. Me and Charlie are pointed in one direction while Archie is forced to go to the other side of the stage. I wish he stayed with us, I was really enjoying talking to him. I think Charlie's trying to talk to me about something but I'm distracted by liv waving at me from the front of the stage. I wave back and mouth the words 'I just talked to Archie Turnbull' to her. But clearly liv did not understand what I was saying because she shot me a confused look. I waved my hand at her and gave up, I'll just tell her later. I then looked over to the side where Archie was standing and we made direct eye contact. We stared at each other for like 5 seconds before he broke it to look at one of his friends. How could I not stare into those deep blue eyes, they remind me of the ocean glistening in the hot summer sun. We sing through the song what feels like 100 times before the teachers are finally happy with it, and then we all file off the stage. On the way out I shoot one last look at Archie and to my surprise we made eye contact again, staring at each other again. I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

On the bus ride back to school I fill Liv in on all the details about Archie. She hypes me up of course telling me that he's definitely into me if he keeps staring at me. I can't help but feel excited at the possibility. But I can't help feeling a bit sad at the thought that I might not talk to him again. "You should talk to him again at the concert tomorrow night" liv says like she's reading my thoughts. "Your right, and maybe I could try get his snap" the plan becomes clear in my mind. "Or you could get more" liv says teasing me. "Haha your so funny" but she's right, I wouldn't mind getting more.

-that's part 2, I'll probably write another one soon

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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