Honestly Marinette wasn't really sure about the last part, for all the "lucky moments" she could have, having a day without akumas or not having an attack at the worst times weren't a part of them, there wasn't a day nor a moment without Hawkmoth creating an akuma.

Really, one wonders what kind of creepy shut in Hawkmoth must be to have so much free time to be able to send akumas everyday whenever he wants. Maybe he was one of those strange rich guys that are secluded in their mansions and his real wish was to cause chaos just because he could.

But on the other hand Tikki does have a point, sulking will not change anything all she can do right now is making sure Kaito Kid wouldn't steal in Paris again, keep on fighting the akumas, and try to had a word with Chat Noir if there's an opportunity, and like she said, maybe she will be able to catch the thief before he leaves the town! Who knows? Anything could happen!

"-You're right Tikki, thanks!" Marinette told her kwami with a little smile.

The tiny goddess happily nobbed at her but quickly realized something and turned her gaze toward Marinette's alarm clock before turning back to Marinette nervously.

"-Hum... Marinette, aren't you supposed to join Kaito and Aoko at the park this afternoon?"

Her eyes wide, the young girl quickly looked at her alarm clock before panicking and quickly grabbing her purse, in which Tikki fled.

"-OhmygoshIcompletelyforgotthankyouTikki!" Marinette quickly said before sprinting out of her room.

(Time skip)

After a hasty departure Marinette gets, thankfully, at the park on time to meet up with Kaito and Aoko.

The day was sunny and no akuma was rampaging the city, a perfect day for hanging out at the park in Marinette's opinion.

"And hopefully, this outing will go smoothly and peacefully!" The bluenette thought, hoping no one and nothing will come and ruin this day, whatever it would be an akuma, her classmates or even Lila, she lives very close to the park after all.

She found the two Japanese students on a bench near the fountain and without wasting any time joined them.

They spent a long time talking about everything and nothing.

Until the subject of Kaito Kid's last heist was put on the table, which Aoko profited from to rant about the thief.

Turns out Kaito Kid and Aoko's father had a sort of "history", and the latter dedicated his life into trying to arrest Kaito Kid.

"-People back in Japan may see him as a japanese Arsène Lupin and look up at him but honestly he is nothing more than an obnoxious petty thief, he even makes my dad's life hard with his crimes!"

Marinette couldn't help but agree with Aoko's rant, from what she saw during her "encounter" with Kaito Kid, the infamous thief was indeed very obnoxious and his flirting which remind her way too much of Chat Noir's flirting didn't help to make her think otherwise.

Kaito, Marinette noticed, was silent and looking at them with a strange smirk on his face...

As if he was laughing at them in his mind or something.

"-Eeeh... I agree, he is not bad at magic and all but we know who is way cooler than him right Aoko?" Kaito asked his childhood friend, his smirk still on his face.

This only makes Aoko roll her eyes in annoyance.

"-Oh please, don't flatter yourself you're both equally annoying Bakaito!"


Kaito stood suddenly in front of Aoko, looking at her with a smiling face and suddenly his head began to shake before twisting around in a way which is impossible for any human.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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