Chapter 2

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I spew all over the ground, vomit flies out of my face-door with the intensity and strength of a ship slamming its bow into a pod of bottlenose dolphins. "I'm so sorry," I start to stammer, but my vomit has other plans. "BLEH!!!" Chunks of carrots and globs of peanut butter shower any and all spectators.
    "Y/N!!!" I hear someone scream. I watch Marie Temara's head float along the sea of onlookers as she pushes herself to the front of the murmuring throng. "You're yuking!" She shrieks. I look down, she's right.
    "I'm so embarrassed," I mutter as Marie helps me to my feet, but we lose our footing and slip on some blown chunks as soon as we're both up. "Damn it," the force from my fall shakes my stomach to its core and I once again find myself dispelling as many chunks as my food pipe will allow.
    "STOP!!!" Marie's crying now, I'm crying too. I hunch over, preparing for the worst. My stomach roars, this is going to be a big one. I place my hands on either side of the floor in front of me and close my eyes, bracing for one final upchuck. My mouth falls open. This is it.
I lean forward and see a long shadow casting over me. "No," someone whispers. I feel a warm hand clamp down on my face-door, "it's going to be ok," the voice coos. I look up, it's that guy from earlier. "Shh," he whispers, pushing the vomit back into my mouth. I swallow. Did vomit always taste this good? "It's okay to throw up sometimes," he smiles, "everyone's done it."
I laugh, he's right.

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