chapter 16

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Kenny's pov

I woke up in Kyle's bed, but alone. Where was he? I checked my phone and saw I had a text from him.

Kyle: taking Ike to school but will be back soon! didnt want to wake u

He'll be back soon? Kyle isn't the type to skip school. I laid back in his bed, just waiting for him to get back. But I didn't have to wait long, as he walked into his room a few minutes later.

"Hey, you're awake." Kyle smiled.

"Hey babe," I also smiled, "what's going on?"

"Well, I just thought that we could stay here and relax today." Kyle said, climbing back in the bed.

"That actually sounds like a good idea, especially since I gotta work later." I said.

"You're going to work?" Kyle asked.

"I have to," I started, "I only worked two days so far, I can't call out this soon.."

"I guess you're right." Kyle said, sympathetically.

"Kyle, um...I'm sorry I got mad at you." I told him.

"You don't have to be sorry hon, I'm the sorry one," He said, "I never should've lied to you, and I promise, I'll tell my parents tonight."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," Kyle smiled, "I'm happy with you and I don't want to hide it anymore."

"I'm happy with you too." I smiled.

Kyle's pov

It's not like me to skip school, but Kenny needs his rest, and I want to be here with him to make sure he's okay. We went back to sleep for awhile, waking up around 10:00, and I got Kenny some ice for his injuries, hoping that would make him feel better.

"I'm so worried about work," Kenny sighed, "It's not gonna look good with how my face is..."

"How about we looked at ways to try and cover it?" I suggested.

"I don't know if there are any ways." Kenny said.

"We can at least try." I told him.

I looked up ways to cover black eyes and bruises, before going into my parents bathroom, and grabbing my moms makeup, and going back to Kenny in my room.

"You sure you know what you're doing babe?"
Kenny asked me.

"No," I said, "but how hard can it be?"


It took awhile, but I actually managed to mostly cover everything on his face.

"Wow, you actually did a great job." Kenny smiled, looking at his reflection.

"Yeah, I actually impressed myself." I smiled.

"So, I don't have to leave for work for another hour," Kenny started, "so can we just lay here longer?"

"Of course hon." I said to him.


It was now 3:30, and I helped Kenny up, and out to my car.

"You sure you can do this Kenny?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he smiled weakly, "I got this babe."

Once we got to the mall, I was gonna help Kenny walk inside but he said that he was fine now. I didn't think he was though, and just didn't want to seem helpless. When I got back home, I had a text from Stan.

Stan: hey man why werent u and kenny at school?

Kyle: we made up last night and wanted a day to just be alone together

I never lie to Stan, but Kenny's personal issues wasn't for me to tell.

Stan: thats great! happy for u dude

Kyle: thanks dude

Stan: wanna hang out or something?

Kyle: sure dude! wanna go see a movie?

Stan: ok ill meet u there!

It's been awhile since I hung out with Stan one-on-one so I was looking foward to it.


"Hey dude!" I said to Stan, once I met up with him.

"Hey," he smiled, "what movie you wanna see?"

"How about horror?" I suggested.

"Sure thing!" Stan agreed.

We got our tickets, and went inside the theater.

"So," Stan started, "everything is good between you and Kenny?"

"Yep," I smiled, "we actually told each other that we love each other."

"Really? Already?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, I know it seems soon, but we can't help how we feel." I told him.

"Yeah, I guess you got a point," he said, "and you do seem to be really happy with him."

"Yeah, and I'm gonna tell my parents about us when they get home." I smiled.

"Well, good luck dude!" Stan said to me.


When I got home from the movies, my parents were already home from work.

"Hey mom and dad." I said, walking into the house.

"Hello Kyle." My mom said.

"Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked them.

"Of course Kyle." My dad said.

"So...I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now," I started, "Kenny is my boyfriend."

My parents looked at each other, then back at me.

"Finally you told us." My dad said.


More Than Life (Kenny X Kyle)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें