pretend promises

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pretend promises

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pretend promises


"promise me from now on it'll only be pretend."

smoke is rising

I felt the stares of the other tributes as we waited on our chariot. I was being sized up and all I wanted to do was wrap up my foggy cloak and breath in that ashy air again. I felt a warm grasp on my forearm and turned to see Thomas looking at me with a reassuring smile.

"Smoke doesn't last". He said, a popular saying in district eight to remind someone that it's gonna be okay. I don't know if I believe him but I appreciate the sentiment. So I squared my shoulders despite the part of being meek. And I watched the tributes from district four making there way towards the front.

The siblings wore shining ocean blue garments that flowed off there bodies like waves. It was incredibly intricate, almost signifying how they'd drown their enemies with their own waves.The girl looked over at me while she passed by, her delicate face lifting up into a soft smile. One I returned with surprising warmth. Her brother tugged her away softly mumbling in her ear with a quick glance towards our direction.

"How tough is that." Another statement from Thomas. "I rather die now then be in that arena with my brother. Imagine what it would be like if one of them wins."

"I can't see them living with that." I responded.

"Me neither." Suddenly a loud blare filled the stadium and the ringing voice of Caeser Flickerman was heard.

"Welcome, welcome everyone!! How exciting it is to be back again to see our bustling tributes parading for us! Let us commence!" Like clockwork, district one was painted on all the large screens around us. They're bodies hugged but the finest pieces i've ever seen. The seamstress in me gasped at the artistry and elegance that they presented.

The boy was handsome in an obvious way. His hair slicked back and a smirk presented on his dimpled face. Gold was sprayed across his face in a manner that reminded her of blood. His muscles spoke for themselves.

The girl beside him was strong in an understated sort of way. Tall and agile looking, her striking red hair contrasted the paleness of her skin and the brutality of her eyes. Unlike her fellow tribute she did not smile or wave, she stared.

After waiting for a few minutes of tense silence, our district was finally called and a smile unconsciously got plastered to my face. In a moment of adrenaline, I grabbed Thomas's hand and kissed it holding it my chest like a promise. If he was surprised at this he did a damn good job of showing it because he winked at me and raised our hands in the air as he swooned the camera.

My hands shook so much from waving that I was astonished to still find it attached to my body by the time we reached a stop. Our chariot lurched as I stared up into the oblivion, the capitols bright blue sky mocking me. After a moment a man with a beard as white as our foggy mornings came into view his eyes sizing up each and every one of us. When he met mine, he briefly looked at my interlocked hand still in Thomas's and I swear I saw him smirk. I quickly released my fingers from his hold.

"My wonderful tributes, I cannot wait to see what you do. Bring honor upon yourself and most importantly the capitol." With that we were pulled back in motion. Only this time I could not make an effort to wave.

By the time we reached our room, Hera and James were already seated on the velvet couches, whispering in a hurried tone. When we got closer Hera abruptly smacked James on the arm and turned to us with her stoic face.

"What the hell was that? You're a fucking lovey dovey couple now? What happened to detachment from your fellow tribute? Huh?" Hera raised up from the seat and moved towards us like a serpent attacking its prey. I felt Thomas stand in front of me slightly, blocking me from her fury filled eyes. "I've been trying to rack my brain on why you would make such a uncalculated move in front of literally everyone but somehow I just can't understand your stupidity."

"Hera please." I dart my eyes away from hers to stare into James's. His face offers none of his thoughts and yet I felt in that moment that I could trust him with my entirety. "While this is not a conventional move I do think that it could play into their favor. I agree it's incredibly idiotic to even pretend to have any sort of romantic attachment when your going into an murdering arena, I do think that sponsors will love it. We'll have to change our game plan completely but this will work right now."

"James you cannot be serious!" Hera exclaimed, "The other tributes will put a target on their backs! Attachment is a form of weakness you know this, one that the careers will surely take advantage of-"

"Then they'll have to kiss ass to them."

"What." I heard myself say. My voice sounding odd after being a silent bystander to their argument for so long.

"It's how Hera and I both won our games. Yes they are definitely the worst lot to be with but an arena like that you have to make good alliances. Charm them like Hera did and then use brute force when necessary like I did." James started to pace the room as he said this, the gears in his brain obviously turning.

"Aren't I supposed to be pulling the Johanna Mason routine though? Being weak and everything." I don't know what special skills they thought I had but brute force definitely wasn't one of them.

"Well then you shouldn't have made a rash decision girl." Hera fired at me, making her way to the bar to pour herself a strong drink.

"No, no you should still play weak. I mean in the way of a housewife. Obviously still train and everything but don't show off, constantly dote on what Thomas does and be super sweet and naive to the other victors. They won't see you as a threat but if they see you as some plaything then you'll be able to survive for much longer. And Thomas you should play her protector, make them fear touching a hair on her head but still be flirtatious and charming with the other girl tributes so they don't get jealous."

"Ha, I agree with that one. Jealousy kills, trust me I would know." Hera took a long sip from her drink. I didn't know what she meant but with all this new information swirling in my head I didn't have the energy to inquire.

"I know this is a lot but it's necessary to ensure that the next couple days prepare you for what's to come. So why don't the two of you get some sleep and get ready for the first day of training tomorrow." James gave us both a reassuring smile and turnt to his room leaving us with Hera.

"I hope you know what you're doing." She directed this at me, and I felt a chill up my spine from the intensity of her stare. She took one last long sip of her drink slamming it down on the table in front of us and stormed out.

Thomas made a move to leave but I grabbed his arm, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, especially without even giving you a choice and now your stuck with this and they're right it was stupid of me-"

"Annie." The use of the nickname stopped me short, I looked into his pale blue eyes and saw a fierceness that wasn't there before. "I won't pretend to protect you in there, if anything ever happened to you I would kill anyone for it. But anything we had at home ends here, Hera is right attachment is weakness and I don't want you to put yourself at risk for me. What you did caught me off guard I'll admit that but I'm glad you did it. I could never pretend to not care about you or leave you to fend for yourself. So let's pretend we're together and in love but behind the cameras we cannot feel anything. Promise me that from now on it'll just be pretend."

The intensity in the way he said made me nod my head. I would have to put aside my feelings, i knew it the moment he got reaped. So I took his hand in mine and squeezed it. "Smoke doesn't last," I repeated from earlier, "We can move past it."

Whatever happens I'll keep to that promise. Love would only lead me to a quicker grave.

hi any readers i took a long break from this book but i want to get back into it so i'll be trying to update more frequently. thank u for reading!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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A Needle and A Thread, f. odairWhere stories live. Discover now