Purrverts Part 2

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Kitty Milker hesitated momentarily, her heart pounding in her chest as she took in the sight of Henry lounging in the chair, his eyes fixed on her. With a mixture of nervousness and excitement, she walked into the room, closing the door behind her. The soft glow of dim lighting cast a seductive ambiance, enhancing her figure as she approached him, the soft fabric of the maid outfit swishing gently with each step.

"Hello, sir," she purred back, mustering a confident smile despite the fluttering in her stomach. She had done this routine countless times, but Henry's presence always made her feel both self-conscious and alluring.

Henry's gaze never wavered from her, his eyes drinking in her form as she moved closer. "You're a vision, my dear," he complimented, his voice deep and rich with desire. "Every time I see you in this outfit, I'm reminded of just how lucky I am."

Kitty's cheeks flushed at his words, her claws gently brushing against the lace trim of her apron. She stepped closer to him, the scent of his musk filling the air, and she couldn't help but be drawn in by his magnetic aura. The dichotomy of her feelings for him tugged at her—on one hand, she was enchanted by his charm and his wealth; on the other, she yearned for a connection that went beyond these encounters.

As she reached his side, she gracefully lowered herself to her knees, her eyes meeting his with a mix of submission and allure. She could feel the heat between them, a palpable tension that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing second.

"Is there anything you desire, sir?" she inquired softly, her voice carrying a sultry undertone. Her heart raced as his hand reached out, his fingers trailing along her jawline before he cupped her cheek.

"You, my sweet Kitty. All of you," he replied huskily, his thumb stroking her lower lip.

Her breath caught at his words, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. In this private room, with only the two of them, the façade of the stage persona fell away, and their connection felt more genuine. But she couldn't ignore the reality of their situation—the boundaries that existed, the roles they played.

He pulled her closer, his lips brushing against hers in a slow, tantalizing kiss. Her senses ignited as desire coursed through her veins, and she responded eagerly, her inhibitions melting away in the heat of the moment. They were lost in each other for a while, the world beyond the red door fading into insignificance.

As the intensity of their embrace grew, Kitty found herself torn between her feelings for Henry and the complexity of their arrangement. The lingering question she had pushed aside earlier resurfaced: Why did she go to such lengths to please these men, to expose herself both physically and emotionally? Was it solely for the money, or was there something deeper driving her actions?

But for now, in this private space, those questions could wait. As their passion ignited, the lines between them blurred, and they surrendered to the intoxicating dance of desire.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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