Chapter 2

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Snakepelt's P.O.V.

Leaves crunched under the many paws of Frozenclan's cats as the trees shaked their branches delightfully and slowly from the soothing breeze into the camp.Sunlight beamed through the dark pines of the pine trees,casting all types of sizes of mini light ravines onto the mushy soil.

Snakepelt sighed with dread,knowing that a upcoming leaf - bare was approaching quicker than the last.Horrible memories spun around his mind; the death of his mate, Greycloud, the biggest attack of greencough that Frozenclan had ever experienced and the lost of prey for so many days. Snakepelt shivered with the thought of what this leaf - bare could bring.More death?More starvation?More sickness?

A humble and deep voice snapped him out of his dark thoughts.Snakepelt stood up and looked at the inspiring,aged leader.

"Snakepelt.Please send a hunting patrol near the Dappled Tree and one near the stream.I heard from Dewheart that she saw a whole horde of water vole plucking for food.We can't miss this opportunity."Thistlestar meowed deeply.

Satisfaction ran through Snakepelt like blood trickling from a wound.

"As you wish,Thistlestar."He replied with respect.

His leader nodded and padded back beneath the shelter of his den,the Old Spruce.The twisted branches kept birds from making nests and the thick wood mocked woodpeckers for their weak beaks.Snakepelt dreamed of climbing the great tree,scouting his territory for predators or clan cats,the deep satisfyingly feeling of knowing you have pounds of respect from your clanmates.

He purred from the thought so loud,the elder, Moonstripe, lifted his mouth from his juicy mouse and rapidly glanced back and forth,then grabbing his prey and dragging it into the elder's den.

"Grrrr.I'm Jaystar!Leader of Mistclan!I'm going to take over Frozenclan's territory!"A reddish-brown kit mocked snarled toward her littermates.Snakepelt turned around to see his daughter,Squirrelkit playing with her half-brother,Owlkit,and her sister Starkit.

Starkit dropped into a attacker's crouch and stepped toward Squirrelkit,pretending to have her claws unsheathed and bared her teeth."Not on my watch!I'm the great and powerful Snakepelt!Deputy of Frozenclan,and you'll be regretting your choice,Jaystar!"She mocked sneered.

Owlkit looked at Starkit with a confused glance.

"I thought I was Snakepelt?"He mewed.

"You can be Thistlestar!"Starkit meowed.

At that point,Owlkit ' s eyes brightened and he nodded.

"Okay!"He dropped back like Starkit and sneered.

"Snakepelt!Are you done with the patrols?"Thistlestar slightly impatient meow lingered from his den.

The deputy leaped up instantly,his tail transformed into a fluffy bush,eyes wide with surprise.Chuckles and quiet laughs escaped the surrounding warrior's muzzles, especially Speckleflower and Dawnblaze.This made Snakepelt's cheeks burn red with embarrassment,and he shot a look of ignorance at Thistlestar's den.

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