Chapter 31

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"Promise me that you will choose me over anyone like I chose you over everyone."

-Scarlett Rose Renardi.


"I show Mercy to none."

-Zephyr Leroy Zion.


Scarlett walked inside the room she looked around the room to find Zephyr standing outside on the balcony she took slow steps until she stood right beside him.

He didn't even spare her a single he was busy smoking his cigarette, too busy to even notice her presence.

"How do you feel now?" Scarlett asked moving slightly away from him.

She took his shirtless body in it was pasted in her ocean blue eyes mesmerizing and his oh so dark tattoos made him too times more handsome and better looking.

She reached to touch one on his arm, he stiffened at first but when she caressed his arm his body relaxed.

"Your body is warm you still have fever."

Scarlett could feel her own body heat up being that close to him he wasn't even touching her nor was he looking at her but the desire she had for him was enough to make her crave his presence.

"Talk to me." Scarlett whispered.

"Scarlett I am fine." That was all he said to her.

Scarlett moved closer and turned him around until his eyes focused on her and their gazes clashed each other fighting for dominance she could feel his emerald green eyes staring into her soul.

Her eyes held the waves of an oceans and his, the deep depths of a Forest
Such opposites but so beautiful together.

"Your brother-"

"Scarlett let's not talk about anything right now." He cut her off.

"You never talk to me Zeph." She complained.

Scarlett stared at him waiting for him to say something but again he said nothing.

"You would love to know him." He gritted. "That's all I can say about him to you."

There was some kind of emotion visible in his eyes but she couldn't make out what exactly it was.

"I very much think the same I'm sure he was good man and I would really get along with him." Scarlett smiled.

Her smile bothered Zephyr because his jaw was clenched and he was about to walk away when she held his arm and stopped him.

"Stop Zephyr I think I know what your problem is now." Scarlett spoke. "You think I slept with your brother? And the child I had was his? Is that what you think?"

He scoffed jerking her hand away before walking inside the room but Scarlett was not done talking she followed behind him.

"Stop right there Zephyr Leroy Zion!"

He stopped he did not step a foot when he heard her say stop.

"I am not the old rose you knew I am Scarlett and I have not given you the right to treat me the way you want just because you had Rose in your past." Scarlett confessed.

"It was you Scarlett, Rose is you!" He growled.

"Why can you never have a normal conversation with me? Why not sit with me tell me about yourself?" She shouted.

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