(1) Exploring the New World

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Y/N wakes up from the rocks and decided to finally explore more about this body, he checks up the info, reading all the information he has, and now comes the conclusion.

Y/N has every ability unlocked up to Wrath of the Dragon to recap, anything beyond that is locked simply because of one thing

Power comes in response to a need, not a desire

So, his full power is still on hold, there's also a mysterious text that he can't decipher, best to make that a mystery for now

Another thing to note is that, he found signatures of magic, the thing is, there's so much magic in one spot, somewhere away from this cave, and it's only a matter of time before deciding to finally explore the world

After finishing the remaining food left in the cave given by Shenron, he readied himself, packed some stuff... Wished for a container via Porunga, and then went off on a journey, he then finally, exits the cave.

"Woah, it's so bright, and there's so many trees, I love trees"

He then hugged a tree, it felt nice to hug one, and then another and another, he was distracted from his goal, to find out what the huge amount of magic was, but hugging trees are just as awesome, maybe even better

As he decided that it's enough tree hugging, he made sure his Ki and Magic are concealed so no one would be suspicious, after all, you'd wonder since magic that high exists that they'd sense you easily in a fantasy setting where you'd have powers

Getting hungry again because he's new to Saiyan appetite, he made chocolates thanks to Buu's magic

Y/N continues walking through the forest, he then noticed a really high power close by... No, the more he traversed, the more stronger the magic was, it wasn't too powerful, but it's enough to be quite dangerous, this made him worried

But Excited, he doesn't know why but maybe it's because of Saiyan Pride? Is this the battle hungry Saiyan attitude? Is this why Trunks is the only reasonable Saiyan in the Cell Saga? Because Goku and Vegeta have this fighting thing that makes fighting exciting?

It all makes sense now, the blood is pumping and he really wants to power up, but he doesn't let it control him so he calms down for a moment before he either dominates the playing field or becomes fried monkey stew

Speaking of monkey stew, suddenly the atmosphere changed, it got darker, it got hotter, this is weird, a flame shot the sky and made the surrounding area troublesome, this has to be it... A monster has to be somewhere there and maybe a team is getting ready to battle it for rewards, the Saiyan blood keeps on pumping as he finally decided to stretch and fly towards there... Of course, he wouldn't let his existence be known easily, he hid his ki and magic and flew up above, beyond the smoke

Finally reaching the distance... From his point of view, he sees fire, some civilians.... Green ones too, and a blue circle, well that's weird

The flames... There's a person, I feel aching senses, oh no, my maternal instinct is acting, this person felt pain, the fire is consuming her, after saving some of the people, I guess I'll do her a solid

Y/N decided to save some people by using instant transmission via energy blasts or tracking the little ki every possible casualty has

"Who are you?"

Says a big green guy

"No time to explain, but all I'm doing is saving you all your time here"

The green guy was being questionable but no time for that

"Alright, we'll be leading our people over there"

"Thanks for this opportunity"

Y/N immediately does his work, going rapid with his instant transmission, moving possible victims quickly to the safe site, as he finished up rather quickly, the big green guy looks at him and holds his shoulder

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