Chapter 6: Partner

Start from the beginning

Dawn : Stop dreaming !

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I watched in amazement as Dawn-kun dodged the fire ball and quickly approached me with a wooden sword in hand.

My spells aren't fast yet but can he stay calm when there is a literal fireball coming at you !

I gritted my teeth, and opted for a light magic to distract him followed by an ice lance.

But all seemed useless when a small light appeared in the palm of his hand...he can use magic too, i forgot that and this was my doom for this round.

A mirror made of ice, the reflection of my own light magic was sent back at eyes blinded. I couldn't cast ice lance anymore.

Only seconds later when I opened my eyes, I saw a dull wooden blade right in front of my throat.

Sola : I guess I'll lose again...

3rd Pov

Once their morning training was off, they went to eat breakfast and decided to part away for the day.

Dawn returning to his room, he had something in mind and wanted to try.

Dawn : Spirit summoning...

Drawing a circle with a pencil, he had studied the subject along with forging for the past few days.

The circle was still imperfect but with his memories and the few scenes of the anime that show summoning magic.

He managed to somehow form a spirit summoning circle...once the drawing was done, he set his hand on the ground and started pouring magicule.

But the result turned out to be unexpected as a voice rang in his head.

VOTW : (The individual Dawn received the extra skill : Magic manipulation.)

Dawn : Huh ?

Dawn Pov

Wait...magic manipulation ? Why did the voice of the world announce it ? fact I remember now when Hinata first arrived in this world.

She received a notification from the voice of the world announcing her skill...then why didn't I get it...maybe because I am reincarnated ? Yes, Rimuru too didn't get any announcement...well he did while dying, but does it count ?

Still, I now received a notification...magic manipulation, huh.

Dawn : I can do it now.

My eyes glowing slightly, my magicule felt light and easy to manipulate...i couldn't describe the feeling...

It's like learning something all your life then suddenly having something helping you doing it.

It's so much easier and i feel like a big burden on me disappear...

Dawn : Spirit summoning.

The summoning circle glowing, I succeeded...I summoned a spirit, a greater spirit at that !

???: Nice to meet you, young one.

Greater spirits have a spiritual form making them visible to a certain degree, in front of me was a sort of knight.

Judging by the curve of the armor, a female...through spirit technically doesn't have gender.

Her armor is covered with ice and spikes, like a middle tier dungeon boss...those badass knights.

Dawn : I suppose you are an Ice type spirit.

???: Indeed, I judge you worthy to be my master.

Dawn : Is that so.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now