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Brooke's POV

It's been 2 months and I've gotten over Owen I think. I've started eating again, not normally or consistently but it's a start. I don't have friends at school but I don't really care as long as I have the girls and boys at the barn.

Today I have a horse show down in Dallas, Texas. The barn has already brought my horse over to where the comp is so that I won't have to worry about it. My parents are "to busy" to bring me to the show, so Phoenix stepped up and said he'd take me. I told him he didn't need to and I'd just skip it, again, but he insisted.

So here we are in his Ford F-150 with my riding stuff and our bags in the back on the way to the show. Phoenix was genuinely excited to see me show which made me excited. This was one level down from Grand Prix, so pretty big jumps. I'm one of the youngest in the group I'm pretty sure, if not the youngest. 

My horse is named Crusader, Crus for short. That's the name of the horse I ride except he's not as big as this one. He's a bay though. He's 16.3hh and a beautiful bay. I lease him as well but allow the barn to use him for lessons since he's one of the best horses for beginners/intermediates who are learning how to jump.

We pulled up to the hotel and dropped our stuff off, me grabbing my bag with all my riding clothing and equipment so I can get changed at the jumping place. We got into the truck and drove the short 10 minute drive. Upon getting there, I ran to the bathroom and quickly put on my breaches, polo and show jacket. 

I went to the stables and looked around a bit before I found Crus in a stall. I smiled and put his saddle on a rack with the saddle pad and half pad on top of it, hanging the bridle and girth on a hook nearby. I put on his halter and lead him out, putting him in the crossties so he won't attempt to walk away.

I did everything I had to do, grooming and tacking, and lead him outside by the arena. I hopped on once inside the warmup arena and started warming up. I called out jumps as I went to jump them so that I didn't run into anyone. I heard my number being called from the arena so I walked over.

I trotted in and did a warm up lap as I picked up a canter toward my first jump. I went through the course with 0 faults and I finished it the fastest, meaning I was in first place. I trotted out and slowed to a walk once I was out of the arena. Phoenix was quick to rush over as I jumped off of Crus, someone taking him, and hugged me.

"You did amazing, B!" He exclaimed proudly. I smiled up at him with pure joy, something I haven't felt in weeks.

"Thanks, P." I thanked him. "Wanna go see Crus?" I asked him. His face lit up as I asked him that question.

"Of fu- fudging course." He cut himself off upon seeing a kid running by us. I laughed and we walked to the stables.

The people who untacked him and groomed him said they were gonna take him out and let him run in the outdoor arena for a bit. I smirked at Phoenix who smirked back. I asked for Merlin to join us, the other horse I bring because Crus somehow injures himself somehow before every comp my dumb horse, so we could bareback in the field.

We put on their bareback pads and bridles and brought them to the outdoor. Phoenix gave me a leg up before jumping onto Merlin. Merlin's the same size as Crus so I have no clue how he does it. I nudged Crus into a nice canter as Phoenix did the same with Merlin. We both laughed and felt free.

Little did we know that my trainer was taking pictures of us.

Little did we know that my trainer was taking pictures of us

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Caption: Peak Brooke Danielson and her older brother, hockey player Phoenix Danielson riding bareback in a field.
Liked by owen_j09, bdani7, phoenix.danielson and 132k others
Tagged: bdani7, pheonix.danielson


@user64027: Phoenix has a sister?
↳@user28934: @user64027 he always has

@teamwillowgrove: can't believe we had the pleasure of teaching her what she knows.

load more...


I giggled as I looked through the comments of calgary ranches post. I put my phone away and trotted over to Phoenix. We both got off and untacked the horses, putting them in their stalls. We got into the truck and talked each others ears off the entire drive back to the hotel.

I showered when we got back and put on my PJs as Phoenix was watching Wranglers highlights from a few weeks ago. He was mentally critiquing himself throughout watching. I put my airpods in and played my country playlist as I read my book. Listening to my country playlist do be therapy. I eventually turned off the lamp beside me and went to bed, letting my mind be consumed with thoughts other than Owen for the first time in months.

Owen's POV

I sat on my bed with my head in my hands. I'm home alone right now and I really need it. I made a mistake letting go of Brooke and I haven't gotten over it. Chace and Carter are both suspecting something's up but I won't break. I refuse.

Anastasia, my therapist, told me to just talk to Brooke. I know she's right, but am I prepared? I sighed and took my phone out. I went onto Snapchat and went to my pinned messages. My thumb hovered over Brooke's contact. I gave him and pressed it.

Bold: Owen

I know you don't want to hear from me. But I want a change to explain.

I sent the message and threw my phone onto the nightstand onto my wireless charger, charging my phone. I threw on the Devils v Oilers game and kind of watched it, my mind elsewhere. I gave up on distracting myself and turned off the TV. I threw the covers over myself and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


This book is gonna be so short if I don't think of some twists lol. Idk if anyone's actually reading this but I like it so idgaf and I'm keeping it up 

WC: 1089

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