thirty two

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wow it's been a minute since i wrote in here.
i finally decided to take some time to myself to write in this silly little notebook that i had completely forgotten about over these past few months. It's been hectic.

Harry got out of hospital but still had to go back every once in a while for check up appointments which didn't always go our way but that's life, life's not supposed to be easy as they say. Anyway, me and harry have spent so much time together recently..more than we ever have really.
I feel so happy even after everything we've both been through these past few months. It has not been easy, harry started going home to guernsey a lot more and i wasn't always able to go back with him because of my new job. It was tough but forget about all the bad time i have good news to tell harry i don't know how he's going to take it but we will soon see.

*knock knock*
'come in' i said whilst turning to face the door, i smiled when harry appeared.

'hey' i put my pen down on the desk

'hey babe' he came and gave me a soft kiss

i knew he knew something was up because i never spend time to myself.

'oh wow you didn't forget about this then' he placed his hand on top of my notepad smiling.

i shook my head
'take your hand away mister' i placed my hand ontop of his and removed it.
he furrowed his brows

'got something to hide have you'
'no' i said quietly i'm a terrible liar and always have been.
he sat down on the desk and crossed his arms whilst keeping his stare on me. I tried not to crumble in that moment.

'ugh fine' i sighed and rolled my eyes.
i reached into the draw of the desk searched around for a few seconds before then pulling out a piece of paper.

'to harry,
i'm not sure how to tell you this or how you will take it but i just hope you are happy for me..for us. New chapter if you want to say that..'

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