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i knew that i was free the rest of the evening so i decided to meet up with tyler.

'hey ty' i smiled as he walked over to the park bench i was sat on.

'i've missed you' he hugged me before sitting beside me.
i didn't respond. Not really knowing what to say and how to bring up harry and i to him.

'am i right in thinking you've brought me here to tell me why you have been so distant?' he looked out at the children and families playing.

'yeah you're right, i've been meaning to tell you this for a few days now but i haven't known really how to tell you' i started to explain.

'go on' he looked at me now.

i took a deep breath
'i don't want this to hurt you because you've been there for me when i've had no shoulder to cry on, you were someone i could trust but i haven't been truthful with you and i am sorry' i started rambling

'just get on with it' he said getting frustrated because he knew what was coming.

'it's you and harry isn't it?' he started questioning me.

i sighed i looked down at my hands.

'i fucking knew there was something fishy going on between you two' he shook his head.

'ty i am so sorry, i did really want us to work out but i-' i apologised

'what else have you got to say? you fucked him whilst we were still together?' he ranted

i looked at him, tears in my eyes.

he got up and started walking away

'tyler wait!' i got up and walked after him.
i grabbed onto his shoulder but he shoved my hand off. I stood there and watched him walk away. Tears in my eyes but all i could think about was harry and how much i needed him right now.

i couldn't drag him away from callum again because he would start getting suspicious. I scrolled through my contacts trying to find someone to talk to.

Talia mar

i haven't spoken to her in a while but she seems the type to give advice..good advice.

i called her

'hey t' i sniffled

'hey chlo, is everything alright?' she asked, i could hear peoples voices in the background.

'sorry are you busy? did i disturb you?' i said

'no you're all good it's just the boys, they're filming a video' she reassured me

'right..i just need someone to talk to right now' i started crying even more now.

'okay okay meet me at my place, i'll be there in 10'

'are you sure? are you not needed for the boys video?' i started making my way to talias as it was only a 15 minute walk.

'i'll be at mine in 10' she hung up the phone.


'i just think you need to give him his space and hopefully he will come round and want to hear the rest of the story' she comforted me.

i sighed
'i feel terrible especially because i know what it feels like but i was still a stupid bitch and slept with harry whilst still technically with ty' i shook my head and wiped my tears.

'everyone makes mistakes, you clearly weren't truly happy and like you said you and tyler weren't official' she rubbed my shoulder.

'yeah you're right, maybe i should just forget about it and carry on with harry' i sat up properly.

'so how long have you and harry known about your feelings towards eachother?' she asked
knowing i was feeling a bit better about the situation.

'i don't know to be honest, i've liked him for a while and i feel like he has liked me for a while also but it's only been about 3 weeks since we like really knew' i looked at her smiling slightly.

'aw well i hope it all works out between you both' she hugged me.

'what about you and simon? how have you two been getting on?' i asked, keeping the conversation mutual.

'we've been struggling recently, hence why he's not here but it's over stupid stuff' she chuckled.

'let's order mcdonald's' she opened up here uber eats app.

i ended up spending a few more hours at talia's place until simon came back from the boys shoot and i decided to give them both some space and headed back to mine.

whilst walking back i opened messages and sent the picture i took of harry and i earlier, to him.

he replied almost instantly

'we're cute aren't we :)'

i smiled at his response, i double tapped his message and left the conversation at that.
unlocking my apartment door, stepping in and taking off my shoes i went straight to my bedroom and fell straight asleep.

this day has been eventful.
i just hope tyler understand eventually.
He deserves happiness, he is such a genuine guy but i just couldn't see a future with him. To me he was just a little fling to make harry jealous because i knew deep down he liked me, i was being selfish and i regret it so much.

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