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'tyler's coming in a min' i looked at harry

'finally get to meet the lad' he smiled

god my boy best friend and my i don't even know what he is..meeting is scary.

we're having a party for absolutely no reason at all.
just to get fucked off our faces.


Number 57 right:)

that's the right one!

knowing that tyler was probably going to be outside the apartment any minute now i squeezed my way through everyone and got to the door before anyone could greet him.

'tyler' i brought him into a hug.

'fuck me' he hugged back and looked around at how packed my not so big apartment was.

i kissed his neck slightly before spinning around to face everyone.

'well ty, meet my friends' i laughed slightly at my own comment, clearly already high.

he put his hands on both of my shoulders and turned me to face him.

'you didn't wait for me?' he pouted.

'oh shut up' i rolled my eyes and dragged him towards the living room where the bong was.

he took a deep breath before i sat down on his lap

'do you not like it here?' i looked down at him.

'no no i do i do' he smiled not so assuring.

i wrapped my arm around his shoulders before taking a drag of the bong.

before exhaling it i turned to face ty, used my thumb and index finger to open his mouth.

i smirked and kissed him whilst also exhaling the smoke from the bong.

he began coughing.

'never done that before mate?' harry came and sat on the chair beside us

tyler shook his head.
'nah mate she didn't give me no warning that's all' he chuckled slightly, gripping onto my thigh tighter, clearly showing that i am his.

we sat in silence for a moment.

'oh uh ty this is harry my best friend and harry this is tyler my uhm boyfriend' i looked at them both as they fist bumped eachother.

well that was easy.
i got up, leant down, kissed tyler and then walked away, swaying my hips.
i could feel their stares burning into my back.

i held onto the pole, grinding up and down it slowly.
closing my eyes i spun around the pole, upside down at this point.

'go on chlo'harry cheered me on, tyler sat beside him.

i got down off of the pole and smirked.

'thank you thank you' i picked up the imaginary money.

this caused a few laughs.

i walked towards harry and snatched the blunt from his fingers.
taking a drag i inhaled and then exhaled.

'woooo, let's fucking go' i smiled, feeling the buzz once more.

'chlo' tyler took hold of my hand.

i looked down at him and raised my eyebrows in question.

'chill out for me please' he smiled slightly.

i looked at harry then back at him.

'fine' i shoved the blunt back at harry and sat down on tyler's lap.

'fucking hell lad you've pulled her, never seen her stop for a guy like that ever' he patted his shoulder
and got up.

i immediately dragged tyler to my room and locked the door.
Pressing my lips roughly against his i felt his grip around my waist tighten.

'fuck me' he whimpered in my ear.

'that's my plan ty' i whispered in his ear

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