The Journey

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In a vast ocean of deep black water, a ship made of crystalline white can be seen. Its mast is designed with a noble stag, a symbol that even the most ingenious would know of, for it is the banner of the very Aesolin of Esriya, the noblest and supreme being in all of the continent and the known world.

 Its mast is designed with a noble stag, a symbol that even the most ingenious would know of, for it is the banner of the very Aesolin of Esriya, the noblest and supreme being in all of the continent and the known world

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Standing at the edge of the ship are two beings with beauty that cannot be possessed by any human and pointed ears which only further proves the fact that they are not human. Both are unusually charismatic, the one who looked like a male had his eyes half-closed and his movements slow and deliberate, and he had a charming smile that seemed to hide a secret. There was something mysterious about him that made you want to know more. As for the one who looked more female, well she was odd in many ways. She was stoic with a face that seemed to never smile but devastatingly beautiful, but she had a serious frown on it right now.

''For a girl who is going home for the first time, you don't seem particularly happy to me or even excited if I may add'' said the man. he still had a relaxed demeanor but there was something foreign in his eyes now.

Her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened into a thin line, She seemed ill at ease  with the question but her stoic demeanor did not change.'' This is not my trip back home if I even have one, maybe once it was...... but not since the day I found him, this is a Qwest, an excursion which if we fail the consequences would be disastrous ''.The wind had started blowing more fiercely now, it seemed like the waves that had started would almost drown the ship to the unknown depths of the ocean. There was something ominous about it all.

''Instead of me, you strike more perturbed by this voyage ''The man now turned to face the girl, gone was his lanky smile,

''Well it has been millennia since I last stepped foot on human realms and speaking of my last visit there, let's say it wasn't the best of times''. There was more to the story but he had no intention of telling it to her. He didn't know her and had no reason to trust her, She wasn't elven or human. she was an odd existence to most elves, he had heard of her till he was surprised when he first saw her.

He was at the borders of the Medindir running an errand of the High Lord when she was brought to Viranhildr which was almost 15 years ago. He had heard rumors about a catalyst being adopted by the Aesolin and how much she looked like the high lord after the bloodletting ritual but he had paid no heed to such stupidity and even been angry at those who were talking about it cause at that time it had almost seemed like something blasphemous. Yes, blasphemous. To say someone looked almost alike to the Supreme Ruler of the Elves was something ridiculous after all HE was no ordinary elf but a demigod.IT had seemed impossible to him even if he had never seen a catalyst before.

But after seeing her at the palace just a few months back he had to admit what he thought previously impossible was at that time standing right in front of his eyes in flesh and blood.

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