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"Morgan, make sure everything is ready to go by sundown. We have a long flight and a rough travel day tomorrow."

"Yes, Alpha."

Morgan is my Beta, and we have been friends for years, but he still insists on calling me Alpha. I shake my head at him as he leaves my office. I finish gathering the paperwork that will need to make the travel with us and confirm the status of our flight with our pilot, Yanis. I hardly ever travel, so I rented a private jet specifically for this trip. After confirming the flight would leave on time, tomorrow at six in the morning, I left my office. Before closing the door, I turn and look at the room one last time and sigh. I'm not sure what emotion generated the sigh, but a sigh nonetheless. 

Walking to my room I could here the rest of the pack loudly conversing and playing downstairs in the packhouse. Opening the large wooden door to the alpha suite, I flicked on the light switch and glanced around. It will be strange not staying in my room for at least the next week. Shaking my worries out of my head I glide across the concrete floor and make my way to the kitchen attached to the room. Turning on the stove and filling up the kettle then placing it on the stove to boil. I then turn my attention to the walk-in closet, I still needed to pack, and now was my last chance. 

"Way to procrastinate again...this should've been done before eight hours prior to boarding the stupid plane", Rion, my wolf, says in the back of my head. Rion loves to tell me all of my failures and short comings as a person. 

"I've been busy" I snip back at him, telling him something he already knows. He knows I've been swamped the last week trying to get all of my affairs in order, so the pack would operate as smoothly as possible during my travel. 

I grab my suitcase from the back of the closet and start removing clothes from their drawers and hangers. I'm not sure how long I will be gone for, so I end up overpacking: 20 shirts, 13 pants, some sweats, sweatshirts, and all of my socks and boxers. The closet looked like it hadn't even been touched after I am done packing. 

Damn, I have too many clothes.

After finishing the clothes, I walk back over to the kitchen and fix my tea in a coffee mug and take a large sip, not worrying if it's too hot, as an Alpha I heal ungoddessly fast. I continue packing focusing next on shoes. I only bring four pairs, which may seem like not that many, but I prefer to be barefoot. I love feeling the cool floor and the soft ground under my feet, but when meeting with other packs, I do like to seem like a well put together Alpha. 

Finishing up the packing process in my bathroom, I take my shower products down from their shelves and my beard and hair products out from their drawers in the counter. I carry all of this in my arms out to the suitcase on my bed, and begin to organize the chaos I've created. 

Once everything is neatly tucked into my suitcase I put it near the door, and get ready for bed. As I lay down on the plush mattress a million thoughts rage through my head: Am I sure about this? What do I expect from this treaty? Why have they wanted me to travel to them? Will my pack survive if I don't?  What if I find my mate?

Rion groans at me to stop worrying and to just go to bed, he is tired of hearing my anxious thoughts. In his opinion, Alphas shouldn't be anxious about anything ever, just pure confidence. I push aside my thoughts and drift into a restless sleep, knowing Morgan will be waking me up in just a few hours.  

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