Chapter 12

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Around 10am the next morning, a ministy worker entered Harrys room with a cage that had extremely sharp spinks everywhere. "Get in the cage Mr Potter, it is time for your trial." Harry reluctantly got in the cage and neeled down with his hands tied behind his back. The cage was then levitated and taken to a court room with the entire wizengemot and unfortunately Dumbledore was present.

Harry was then placed in the centre of the room facing the minister of magic Cornilius Fudge. Fudge gave a quick speach about who knows what then turned to Harry. "Now before we start the trial how do you plead."

"Guilty." Harry said without hesitation shocking them all except the few death eaters who gave him subtle nods.

Dumbledore then spoke up. "I think it would be best if we check his memory minister to see if what he says is true."

"I agree Dumbledore surely a twelve year old couldn't kill six blood thirsty werewolves." An auror then walked up to the cage and extracted the memory that they required. He then placed it in a pensive which emited a 3D image. After the memory had played every one looked horrified at Harry but Dumbledore and Fudge had a look of terror as they now know who killed the two Aurors in the chamber of secrets.

"See told you I was guilty." Harry told them with an evil grin on his face.

"I think we should test him under veritesirum first minister to see why he did this and has no regrets. How do you know he isn't trying to get to someone or something in Azkaban." The minister looked bewildered but as he was about to argue back a load 'hem hem' from a pink toadish like women if you could even call her that, could of been heard from all over magical britain if it wasn't for the ministry being under ground.

"If I may minister I believe we should give the boy the dementors kiss, I simply believe that a boy being possessed by a demon type thing is to dangerous for anyone to wield." This caused an outbreak of people disagreeing or agreeing with it

Lucius then spoke up. "I will have to disagree with this idea Dolores as you let Peter Pettigrew get a life sentence for killing twelve muggles and nearly killing Harry and alice Potter after luring the Potters into the church to have a quick conversation." This then caused people to start agreeing with Lucius on his point as he had only killed eight people to their knowledge and Peter had killed twelve.

"You make a good point Lucius so I think it will be life in Azkaban if we are satisfied with your answers under veritesirum." An auror then walked up to him and placed three drops on Harrys tounge. "What is your full name?"

"Harry James Potter." He replied instantly.

"Ok so first question do you have any regrets about killing those werewolves?" Fudge asked.


"Why not Mr Potter?"

"They were trying to kill me so I had to do something."

"Why did you plead guilty." Harry then stayed silent and everyone looked confused until they noticed a silencing charm had been placed on him. "Who put that charm on him?" Fudge asked to which Harry raised his hands. "How on earth did you get out of those chains?"

Harry then removed the charm on himself then started to explain. "Simple I broke my wrist because they were uncomfortable then slipped my left hand out." He replied to which every one had a look of horror on there face at how a twelve year old could break their wrist and not feel a thing. 'Death you can heal my wrist now I don't need it broken right now.' His wrist then healed and Fudge continued to speak.

"Everyone who believes a sentence for life is appropriate please raise your hands." Over three quarters of the wizengemot raised their hands including Fudge and Dumbledore . "And everyone who thinks the Kiss is more appropriate." That Toad woman raised her hand along with some werewolf rights activists.

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