At home

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(Y/n)'s POV
I was running in darkness.

"Come back!" Springtrap's voice yelled. I continued to run. As I ran I kept hearing voices.

"It's me."

"It's me."

"It's me."

"Stop!" I yelled in frustration as tears streamed down my face. Then I fell. I was trembling as I saw Springtrap from a distance coming closer. I tried to get up but couldn't.

Then I saw Springtrap beside me. "Now there's no escape." He said before he swung his knife and I screamed.

~End of Dream~

I woke up on my bed, sweating and breathing heavily as I sat up. Another bad dream.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Freddy said as he ran into the room and to my side. I cried and hugged him. "Oh Freddy it was horrible! Springtrap... He... I..." I said sniffing.

He hugged me and rubbed my (h/c) hair. "Shhh. It's okay. It was just dream. I'm right here." He said soothing me. It help me calm down a little bit being in his arms but I was still worried.

Then Freddy stood up. "If you need anything just call me." He said as he started to walk away. "Wait!" I called out. He turned around.

"Could you stay with me tonight. I don't feel safe." I asked. He smiled. "Anything for you my dear." He said as went beside me. We both laid down on the bed as Freddy brought me closer in his arms. I snuggled closer and drifted of to sleep.

~Next Morning~

Freddy's POV
I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. I was about to get up when I felt something on my arm. I turned and saw (Y/n) sleeping soundly, smiling.

I smiled. It's good to see her smiling. Then I heard laughter. I carefully sat up, trying not to wake (Y/n) up, and saw Goldie and Chica silently laughing with, big surprise, a camera.

"Ahem." I said, annoyed, to get their attention as I crossed my arms. They they turned to me shocked. "Ummm... Run!" Goldie said as they started to run. "CHICA! GOLDIE!" I screamed as I got out of bed and started to chase them.

(Y/n)'s POV
I woke up to the sound of crashing that sounded like it was coming from down stairs. I jolted out of bed and ran down stairs to find Freddy on the floor with shards of our now broken vase, Chica and Goldie in the kitchen, giggling and Foxy, Bonnie and Amy on the couch laughing their hearts out.

I ran to Freddy's side. "Freddy are you okay?" I asked concerned. He sat up and looked at me. "I'm fine. Sorry we woke you up." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "What happened?" I asked.

"Well, me and Chica finished making breakfast so I asked one of them to wake both of you up. So Goldie and Chica went to get you guys. The next thing I know I see Goldie and Chica holding a camera and Freddy right behind and. Bam! The vase broke." Amy explained.

I sighed and looked at Goldie and Chica as they nervously smiled as they hid a camera behind their back. Figures.

I turned to look at Freddy and noticed he has a scratch on his cheek. "Your hurt!" I said concern as I touched his cheek. "That's nothing. I'm fine." He said. I smiled.

"But... It wouldn't hurt to get a little kiss." He said, winking. I blushed. "Jerk!" I said playfully pushing him away as we all laughed.

Everything's back to normal.

Or so I thought...

Yay! First chapie done! What do ya think? Good?

Till the next chapter. Buh-bye reader-chan!

FNAF Human Freddy x Reader 2Where stories live. Discover now