Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51 51. Rejection

  "Dad, I won't go out with you every time in the future. If they come to tell you about letting me go out next time, you can help me find a reason to push it away." "It's this

  one Did something happen this time?" Father Yun knew that something might have gone wrong, otherwise the son-in-law wouldn't have said such a thing.

  "It's not a big deal. It's just that some people may think that I have great strength and should do more things as it should be. Our family also has its own life to live, and the village can do its part." After a few years of struggling in the last days, Sicheng really understands the ugliness and greed of human nature too well. There will always be some people who will show their selfish side in the future life.

  "Shouldn't you go out with me every time? We still have so many things to do at home. Even if you pluck the wool, it's impossible for the whole family to pluck it. When the time comes, you should also say hello to the monkeys. There's no need to do it again." Go out every time." Yun Qi also agreed with Si Cheng's decision.

  Although Papa Yun still had some concerns, he still respected Si Cheng's decision.

  The sun has never been out since the earthquake, and Zhuang Jian can't wait any longer.

  With gasoline, the rush to collect began the next day. Although there are some unevenness in the field, it is not affected much because of the wetland, and the harvester quickly harvests the grain back.

  The village also specially set a rule for this purpose, except for the bacon that was handed in before the oil change, it will be collected according to the number of acres. If it exceeds the amount, a certain amount of grain will be handed over to the village as a reward for future contributions to everyone.

  Each family took back the food, although the production was less than before, but because each family has so much land, it is enough to feed the whole family for two years.

  Without sunlight, the wisdom of the working people can be reflected at this time. Everyone pulls the grain into the room, and each room is filled with wooden frames, and the bamboo beds woven by everyone are neatly placed on the wooden frames. Then fire the earthen kang, and it will be dry after a day and a night of drying like this.

  In this way, everyone dried the grain and built houses. Soon, before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the house of the last family was built, and all the food was collected in the barn.

  Yunqijia Fire Wall has been tested, and it is more warm than the earth kang.

  Seeing that the home has been rebuilt by everyone's own hands, everyone feels a sense of pride.

  Grain is harvested! The house was built, and winter vegetables were planted. Many people want to know how their relatives and friends are doing now?
  They made an appointment in groups of three or four to visit relatives at that time.

  But they didn't know whether the road ahead was safe or not, so everyone thought of Sicheng at this time.

  After the publicity of those who went out together, everyone now knows that Sicheng is strong and careful. If Sicheng can go out together, then for them, their safety will be more guaranteed.

  Several family members asked Papa Yun to let Si Cheng go with them, but Papa Yun found a reason to shirk them all.

  Gradually, there were some rumors in the village. Sicheng and the others had also heard of it, but they didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Rebirth in the End Times: Bringing the Whole Village to FarmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ