2 - Selcouth

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POV - Love Interest 1 :)

In this chapter: TRIGGER WARNING - SUICIDE!!

My mornings began before hers, so I would watch her lay stationary whilst she peacefully snored. Nothing was different today, I endlessly followed the same, regular routine as if it were my job.

Watching her, however, I consider more important than a job.

Many times, I'd feel like her private doctor always ensuring of her safety just from a different angle. Ellie didn't have a home, other than the hospital. Ellie didn't have a family, other than the nurse, me, and her crude mother, who couldn't care less.

But her knowledge of my existence was obviously unapparent however if she were to know of my presence my guilt would be the most apparent.

I have always been by her side; she would just never know. All I could do is watch her, not help her in any way, or she would be the one paying, and I can't let that happen. 

Not again.

All l am capable of, is to observe our human's life and direct subtle hints for them but we cannot control their life events.

I snapped out of my daydream as Nora's cheerful voice radiated down the hallway. I noticed Ellie rise from her deep sleep as she too, heard the echoing of the food tray coming her way.

I watched as she dully responded to Nora's questions, and my need to help her had reappeared.

But I remembered the set of rules I had to obey.

Rule number 3: you cannot interact or get involved with a human.

Little did I know, I was going to break every single rule, just for her.

I decided it was time for me to go.



'Selcouth' I thought.

What a beautiful word with an exquisite meaning.

It reminded me of someone I knew.


I was sat in my room, admiring my bookshelf. The pages held endless imagination and creativity, something I adored very much.

I flicked around 'One of us is lying' around in my hands.

I began to wonder about Elysian and what she was doing, just as I felt Elysian's emotions soaring rapidly.

Our bond helped me feel her emotions, and I used it to my ultimate advantage.

I frowned and straightened my spine, as confusion built in my head.

What had happened, that caused her stress to skyrocket?

I wasted no time dwelling on my worries, as I rushed from the above.

Heaven, a world of peace and brightness, differentiating immensely from the evil abyss the world was corrupted by.

My eyes twitched as they adjusted to the darkness of Ellie's World, the darkness I had created.

Visions of what was going through Elysian's head blared in my mind, as my anxiety elevated.

I needed Elysian to be okay.

I wanted her to be okay.

Elysian had already reached for her last resort, something Angels deeply desire but are entirely incapable of.

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