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The group all happily walked back to the van, so glad that everyone was alive and safe.

Chloe and Hailey just wanted to get back to the hotel and shower because they both smelled like poo.

Matt and Aubrey walked hand in hand, and so did Chloe and Hailey. So Chris and Nick walked hand in hand as a joke that made them all laugh.

Hailey and Chloe kissed whilst walking which made Nick abruptly stop to tease them when suddenly a forceful power was shoved into his back which made him fall to the ground, a brown liquid spilling everywhere causing a mess.

Nick looked up at the rude person that pushed him over and his jaw dropped very visibly.

It was the guy.

"Watch where you are going dude. Don't just stop like that." He rolled his eyes, completely over it.

Nick just sat there dumfounded, staring deeply over the handsome man's features. He stared back for a second, before breaking the silence.

"You want help getting up or?" He asked coldly, his white shirt glowing in the sunlight and grey shorts flowing in the wind.

Nick was starstruck before snapping back to reality and coughing awkwardly.

"Uh no, I am all good thanks." Nick smiled, getting up and dusting off his knees. He had coffee all over his shirt, but at this point he didn't care.

"Are you okay?" The brunette asked, like it was mandatory. "Uh yeah, I think so." Nick replied, stammering out his words.

"Alright." The mysterious brunette replied coldly, before stepping around Nick rudely and walking off.

The others just stared at Nick for a moment before looking back at the brunette strutting away.

Suddenly, Nick just started running back to the brunette, shouting for him to stop, he didn't know why, but his body just spontaneously decided to do it.

The boy turned around to see Nick huffing and puffing behind him. "Uh did I miss something?" He asked, turning around to face the panting boy.

"Can I just at least get your name?" He asked, still out of breath. "Aiden." He simply said with a questioning look.

"Uh that's a good name." Nick laughed awkwardly as Aiden's face started to ease at Nick's behaviour.

"What's yours?" He asked politely, but he secretly just wanted to get away from the obsessive seeming boy.

"Nicolas. Or uh-you can call me Nick." Nick said, staring at him for a second before coughing out a laugh. "I mean, like, everyone calls me Nick. Not just you. Not that you aren't like everyone else. I'm sure you aren't you seem amazing. Uh-like in a nice way." Nick blurted out and the boy was confused by Nick's behaviour.

"Nick it is." He smiled politely before turning around and rolling his eyes as he walked off.

Nick just stood there, embarrassed about how he had just acted. And he didn't even get his number. Again.

He was busy feeling stupid when someone all of a sudden tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see everyone looking at him, but Chris standing right in front of him.

He suddenly pulled him to the side, giving the group a look for them to entertain themselves for a moment and they did.

"Was that the boy?" Chris asked in a hush tone so that the others didn't hear.

Nick just sighed deeply, looking up to see Aiden disappear. Again.

"Yeah." Nick sighed, looking at Chris with a let down face. "I just ruined any chance I ever had." Nick said, looking back down to his feet. Chris nudged his shoulder softly which caused him to look up and see him smiling at him.

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