chapter four

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I woke up due to the sun blinding me. I forgot to shut my curtains last night because I was so tired. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up. I sat up in my bed for a while, staring at the wall. Then got up.

I've decided to skip showering this morning because I'm going to do it later. I got changed out of my pyjamas into black cargos with a green tight top.

I walked out my room and headed over to the bathroom, where I was brushing my teeth. I heard my door open and someone walking up to me, it was könig. He peeks his head around the corner and asked,

"Hey y/n, price is taking us out to a pub tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?"

"Yeah sure, come and get me when we are going." I asked with my mouth foamed up with toothpaste.

"Oh okay, also I was wondering if you wanted to train together." He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

He then left my bathroom.

I spat out my tooth paste and headed to the front door. König was stood there waiting for me. We both headed over to the cafeteria and got our breakfast. He went over to his table while I went to mine. I had oatmeal with some dried strawberries.

After finishing my food I placed it in the kitchen and walked to könig. He was with price.

"Hey, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, what would you like to do?" He replied.

"I want to try sparring with you again."

He nodded and we walked to the arena.

We both stood around the circle, maintaining eye contact. We both nodded and started fighting.

We slowly started getting closer until he threw a punch at me. I managed to block it and we carried on. I threw a punch at his rib which made him groan and he threw a right jab but I managed to block it. He picked me up which made me kick him in the stomache. He got down on the floor from having the oxygen knocked out of him, I got on his lap, knocking him over so he was now lay down, and I started strangling him. He tried pulling me off but I was not letting go. He finally collapse but I wasn't falling for it again. Right before he was about to pass out he said,

"Alright, you win now."

He put his hands on my waist to make sure I got up carefully, and then got up himself.

"You did a good job there, y/n. But you do need more training because I know how you're going to fight now." He said.

"Can you teach me some techniques i could use against others?"


He started teaching me some techniques that were pretty difficult against him because of his height.

|Time skip: finishing training and it's now lunch time.|

We both agreed to stop training and go back to the cafeteria. We were both clearly out of breath and my face was red, I could feel the heat from my face.

As we reached the cafeteria, König went to go sit with his table while I went to go grab my food.

I ran into Toby.

"Ha, is könig your new boyfriend? Are you the barracks bunny? I could use you." He said with a smirk on his face.

I never felt so uncomfortable, so I walked off. He put me off my lunch by saying that so I didn't have lunch. As I walked out the cafeteria, clearly pissed. I saw König's table staring at me.

I walked into my dorm and slammed the door.

I'm not some stupid slut that gets passed around. Who does he think he is? Just because he gets no pussy doesn't mean he has to slut shame me. Stupid little boys thinking theyre everything.

Tears starting forming in my eyes due to the anger.

I sat on the sofa and tried to calm myself down. I decided to journal because that's what calmed me down the quickiest.

Around 5 minutes later, there was a knock on my door. At first I ignored it but then the knock got harder.

I opened the door, wiping my tears from my face. It was ghost. He just stared at me while I was trying to hold my tears back.

"What did he do to you, y/n." He said in a serious tone.

I didnt say anything for a second but then I sighed and replied.

"He basically slut shamed me, ever since I got here, he's been weird with me. He also said he would use me if I were a barracks bunny."

Ghost huffed, I could see the anger in his eyes. He clenched his fists and walked off.

I closed the door behind him and had a nap on the sofa.

I woke up with könig knocking on the front door. I got up quickly and opened it.

"Are you coming to the pub tonight? I understand if not." He said with slight sadness in his eyes.

I couldnt say no to him.

"Yes, ill go get ready."

"I'll wait for you." He said with excitement.

I went into my room and changed into some tight dark green cargos and a grey tight top. I wore my combat boots too, hopefully this will make me look unapproachable.

I went up to my mirror and sorted my hair out. I decided to have it down today because I shouldn't need it up.

I walked out my bedroom down to the front door and I saw König standing outside, fiddling with his fingers.

"Hey könig, im ready now."

He looked up at me, studying what I was wearing and then said.

"Price is waiting for us in the car, lets go."

As we approached the car, I got told by soap that I needed to sit in the middle because I was the smallest. I was sat inbetween ghost and soap. The whole time I was being squashed by them man spreading.

We finally reached the pub and got out. We walked inside and we all went to where they usually sit. It was in a corner. They all had their drinks brung to them but I didn't order any.

"What would you like, kid?" Price asked.

"Nothing, thank you. I don't handle alcohol that well."

When I said that, soap butted in and said to the waiter,

"She will have 4 shots."

I looked at him with a confusing look.

The drinks came over and we all started to drink. Im not sure what shots these were but they were strong. Gaz and soap were already drunk.

|Time skip: going back home.|

It was time for us to leave. I managed to only take 3 shots because I gave one to soap. We got back into the car and price started driving back. On the way home, soap was singing "the wheels on the bus goes round and round." While ghost was visibly shaking in anger.

We arrived back home and went straight to our dorms. I got inside and got straight into some black shorts and a black crop top because it was pretty warm. I hopped straight into bed and went to sleep.


König x reader. New recruit.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz