chapter one

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You are a british soldier.
You worked extremely hard due to the fact that you're the only girl in the base, you were much lighter and smaller than the guys so you had to come up with some tactics. You also were a medic, you were one of the best medics around.

|time skip: the morning of the moving.|
The sun was blazing on my face as I started to open my eyes. Today is the day, the day I go join my new base. I started rubbing my eyes gently so I could see better. I groaned and got out of bed.

I grabbed my towel and toiletries and headed over to the bathrooms.

As I reached the showers, I went to go find my usual one which I go in, the far right. I put my things down onto a shelf and turned on the shower.

I got into the shower and started washing my body. The warm water touching my cold skin felt amazing. After washing my body, I started putting some shampoo in my hair and rubbed it all in. Then I started washing it off and applied conditioner to my ends. Before washing off the conditioner, I started to wash my face in the shower. After I finished washing my face, I washed out the conditioner and turned the shower off. I stepped out the shower and started drying my body. I put my towel in my hair to keep my clothes dry. I put on some grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I picked all my toiletries and my pajamas, I headed back to my dorm.

I checked the time and it was already 10:54, I have to be ready to leave at 12:00

I quickly started to blow dry my hair, after it half dried I put it in a slick back bun. This is so I look more professional, during missions or live actions I have to tie my hair back. I got into some black cargos with a grey t-shirt, and I put on my combat boots.

I checked the time again and it was 11:51, I quickly grabbed all my luggage which I packed the day after being informed, im going to be in a different base.

I put all my luggage into the car, and got in. This was the time, the time I change into a different base. I hope there is girls there so I'm not alone again.

At 12:00, a man who was the driver got into the car.

"Good morning soldier." He said while putting his hand out to shake his hand.

"Good morning." I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"This is going to take a long time, so you may sleep if you would like." He informed.

I nodded.

I looked outside, admiring the landscape which I most likely would never see again. I cant wait to go to the new base, but I also had some anxiety because what if they don't like me and they kick me out, where am I supposed to go?

I tried avoiding all the anxiety, and went to sleep.

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder, its the driver.

I looked outside and saw the huge base infront of me. This place was gigantic, this must of meant there were some girls here.

I slightly bowed the to driver as a sign of appreciation, and got out the car.

I saw some girl standing at the gate, I needed to ask her where price is because I've came to see him. I walked over to the girl and said,

"Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but where is Captain Price? I've came here because I have transferred from a different base."

"Oh, I shall go get him now." She said while walking off to go find him.

She seemed nice, it was like a wave of relief that there was already a girl here.

I saw her walking back over in the distance, she came up to me,

"He is speaking to two people right now, he won't be long." She smiled.

"That's okay, I'm y/n btw." I slightly bowed to her.

"That name suits you a lot, y/n." She said.

As I was waiting I saw 3 guys coming up to me.

"Good morning, y/n!" Price said holding out his hand.

I took his hand and shook it,

"Good Afternoon, captain Price!"

There were two big guys standing beside him, one was wearing a skull mask and the other had some sort of t-shirt with bleach stains dripping down. It looked rather cool.

"Please call me "Price" He said, "This is könig and the other guy with the skull mask is ghost. They are both of my best people and I hope they introduce you to the base as best as they could."

I bowed down to them both due to respect and said,

"Nice to meet you both!"

"Ghost, can you go grab the young ladies luggage and könig, can you show her around."

They both nodded.

König done a sign with his hands which meant "come with me", I walked by his side while he shown me around.

|time skip, 30 minutes later after introduction.|

"I hope I did a good job and introducing you around the base and if you need anything you can always come to me." König said.

"Thank you"

"Dinner is at 6pm, that's in 10 minutes, make sure to be there on time. There is going to be an announcement for training." König added.

I nodded and walked off to my dorm which I was shown.

I got the keys out my pocket and had a look inside, all my luggage was put away nicely. I'm surprised someone will do something like that.

I went over to the cafeteria, where everyone ate. It was extremely busy but I managed to see a free table. I went up to the dinner ladies, who supplied me with my food.

I walked over to the free table and started eating, I pulled my phone out to go on it since as no one is sat around me. I had a look around and saw König and Ghost were staring at me. Strange. I carried on eating my food. After a bit, I finished my food and I to go wash my plate and cutlery up.

I went back to my table and took a seat.

Everyone started going silent as Ghost and König stood at the front of the cafeteria.

"Everyone! Training will start tomorrow at 8am, be on time or you will get a red mark. For your information, if you get 3 red marks you will be kicked out. The training will be 1 v 1 against eachother until the last fighter. The last fighter will be against one of us. Me, König, Soap or gaz."Ghost announced in his thick British accent.

My very first day here is going to be training, I wonder how this ends up.

As I looked around I saw a table with 5 guys staring at me and giggling. It's like they're children. I chose to ignore them and got up. I walked past their table to leave the cafeteria until I got stopped,

"Hello young lady, tomorrow if we are against eachother, I'll go gentle. We don't want to hurt a precious thing like you."

I cringed while he said that and walked out.

I was walking back to my dorm to go to sleep since as I have a big day ahead of me. I unlocked my door and locked it straight away. I grabbed a water bottle and placed it on my bedside table. I started untying my hair and I put it in a loose plait.

I got into some red plait pajama bottoms and a grey hoodie. The place was cold, there was no heating so I had to put on layers.

I got into my bed and tucked myself in. I closed my eyes and started slipping my way into a deep sleep.

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