4. Team Echelon

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--- credit to @yureinohana_ for most Faye dialogue. She's way better at writing sassy brats than I am. also wattpad's being weird and still not allowing me to ping her lmao sorry---

tw: bl/od

There was a moment of silence.

"Aww, the little heartbroken girl is determined for revenge! What'll happen in the next chapter~? Watch the next episode of June Ruewen's Miserable Life to find out!" Faye cheered.

June glared at her. "Whatever. Let's just get goi–"

"Ooh~ is her boyfriend going to protect her?"

"I said. Let's get going."

"Aww, she thinks she can order me around. Cu~ute. Unfortunately for yo—"

Emery sighed. "Come with me."

The hallway still remained dark as it winded like a maze. June dazed off, losing track of reality as Fitz guided her through, gently taking her hand and occasionally kissing her palm.

They finally stopped, and June blinked, almost crashing into Fitz and taking her bearings.

"Is this where we're taking our oaths or whatever?" June asked, changing the topic as she surveyed the area, which was basically a dark dead end with nothing but faint outlines of solid diamond walls and a silver door that looked much too short for anyone to walk through.

"Are you dumb? Pssht, of course you are. This is how we're getting to the place where we'll swear our oaths. Come on now— surely you get it?" She gestured at the small door. "We're not a group of gnomes meeting. We're elves. Though you don't seem like one-"

The door slid silently open as Emery approached, brightening the dark hall with a rectangle of light that spilled from wherever they were heading. The doorway itself stretched several feet deep, so it was impossible to see the room they were entering. June flinched, stepping back and pressing against Fitz, feeling a strange sense of danger erupt from the room before them.

Faye smirked, tossing her hair. "Better hope there's nothing dangerous in there, hmm~? I'm sure you'll be fine."

She stepped into the room, her yellow spotlight disappearing around her. The ceiling was incredibly low, but she still somehow managed to find a way to stride through elegantly, even while she was in her incredibly poofy gown. The Councillors filed in after her, and even they didn't look as impressive. Numerous grunts echoed from the hall, and Fitz took June's hand, his eyes flashing with sympathy.

This might be a little hard for you. Just hold my hand. Everything will be okay, alright?

It took her a while to realize what he meant. But looking at the hallway and the supposedly cramped room on the other side, she clutched her heart, forcing back her claustrophobia and taking deep breaths.

"Ohh, is our little girl afraid?" Faye's voice ran out. "Does she have claustrophobia? Wo~ow... you know, you'll never be a hero like this."

"I hate her," she mumbled, painfully forcing herself forward. Fitz stood in front of her, leading her forward as they passed through the veil of light. The hallways squeezed against her, and her breaths quickened. A second door slid open, revealing a narrow room. Someone tripped her and she stumbled into the crowd, Fitz lunging to catch her. Silk smashed her face as the door behind them slid closed, and after a small bit of tumbling she ended up with someone's heel pressed into her face. Judging from the vicious laugh that echoed after, it was probably Faye's. June huffed. Jesus. She really wanted to pull that trigger.

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