3. Faelynn Umeko Kiara

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--- credit to @yureinohana_  for most Faye dialogue. She's way better at writing sassy brats than I am. also wattpad's being weird and not allowing me to ping her lmao sorry---

"Tch. Formal as ever, hmm?" Faelynn rolled her eyes. "It's Faye. For the last time."

June didn't like her very much.

Alden smiled slightly, dipping his head again. "June, Fitz, this is Faye. You should've seen her at Foxfire some time or the other, she's in Level Five."

"And much more responsible than any of the other idiots," Faye added.

"Hey." Fitz frowned. "I'm in Level Five–"

"You're also an idiot," she stated coolly. "Learn to listen, hmm?"

June gritted her teeth, feeling her hand itch toward Glistensteel, a motion noticed by Faye, who offered a small smirk and rested her hand on the hilt of her own sword, which was poking out from a flap on her gown.

"This is getting bo-ring. I should've known it would be no fun with you and your little crew, Alden. And June... learn to control your temper, won't you? I'm sure it'll be very useful in the near future," Faye said, her sugarcoated words dripping with honey. "I mean, bo-ring! We've all gotten far too used to the stereotypical violent rebel female! How about something a little more... interesting, hmm?"

Don't attack her, Fitz transmitted. She's not worth it.

She insulted you. And she's such a bitch.

Doesn't matter. Wait for the Council to sort things out. I'm sure she's here for a reason, no matter how... he bit his lip. Distasteful.

Faye wore a self-satisfied smirk — don't attack, June thought — as she watched little yellow specks of light float around her. This bitch... June dug her nails into the palms of her hand as she glared at Faye. I want to kill her. I want to make sure she never sees the light of da—

I can hear you thinking that.

Gah! What have I told you about prodding into your girlfriend's thoughts? Not cool!

Sorry. He didn't look ashamed at all as he motioned for Alden to continue leading them down the dark hallway.

Faye's voice echoed down the hallways as she spoke. The tunnel wasn't as dark, not with the little lights that flew around Faye as she walked.

"So~o! Where to first... right, yes, the brown-eyed girl— I mean, your dearest darling sister, Sophie! She's crucial to the survival of your famil— I mean, the welfare of our lovely home! I must thank you, Alden and Fitz, for bringing her here... Hmhmhm~, what else? Right, yes, of course..."

I'm about two seconds away from murdering her right now.

June, Fitz said slowly, like he was Grady taming a lion, or maybe Edaline on one of her fangirl days. This is the Seat of Eminence. No blood will be shed here.

She insulted my family. No one gets away with insulting my family.

She will if we're in a Council building. Seriously, don't kill anyone here. At least wait until you leave.

Faye shot a wink at the two of them, flipping back her hair as she continued. "Now, it's obviously important to pay attention... who knows what'll happen here? Hmhmhm~! Lucky for you all, you have me as your guide.

Bitch. I thought Alden was our guide.

Let's not focus on that. Fitz rubbed his temples, drawing her closer. Let's... think about what the Council wants us to do. Something dangerous, probably.

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