Start from the beginning

Vex pulled the trigger as Hershel's body slumped over, her bullet landing in the abdomen of the Governor.

It wouldn't kill him instantly, so she aimed again.

Gunshots rang out, along with the cries of Maggie and Beth Greene, and Vex kept on shooting.

They were far from the people, but Vex had been further.

She focused on her brother, watching Dean run quickly, tears streaming down his face as the Governor decapitated Hershel fully.

Vex killed anyone who was too close to Dean, watching the man attempt to saw his binds off with a car door.

She stayed there even as the tank began moving in, even as shots whizzed past her.

"Vex, fall back!"

The woman moved as Daryl pulled her, though she didn't stop shooting until her gun clicked.

She lowered the weapon to reload, watching as vehicles and people raided her home.

"Help cover the bus," Vex said, "I'm heading toward C block--"


"Go, now!"

Vex took off, finding a small alcove to hole up in. She was entirely relentless, ducking for cover only when her bullets ran out, before popping up to take down walkers and people alike.

Bullets stopped flying at her, so the woman moved to the door, attempting to ensure everyone had escaped.

And then she felt a blinding white pain in her leg.

She gritted her teeth, falling back into the alcove, looking down at her leg.

Vex attempted to control her breathing, feeling an exit wound on the back of her thigh.

It was fixable, at least.

So she lifted her gun and kept on shooting.

She wouldn't stop.

She'd die trying.

She would go down fighting.

Daryl felt an unexplainable lump in his throat at the sight, at the idea of it all.

He pushed it away, whilst also running toward it.

"Vex, get down!"

The woman complied as if it was second nature, ducking behind the wall and checking behind her only to see Daryl closing in, shooting over her head as he approached her.

She turned back, peering over the wall just as Daryl's legs brushed against her back.

He fired off more arrows before ducking alongside her.

"You're shot."

"Been shot before, worse than this," She said, out of breath, "Cover me—"

Vex went to stand, but her leg gave out beneath her.

She winced, allowing Daryl to catch her weight and lower her back to the ground.

"Worse, huh?"

"If they get past us, they get to the kids," Vex gritted through clenched teeth, "They get to my kid."

Daryl stood momentarily, shooting more bullets, before ducking back down.

"You told her to get on that bus," Daryl assured as he carelessly took the flannel off Vex, though the woman allowed this, before tying it over the gaping wound in her left thigh. "I saw Dean, he's alive, too."

Vex breathed, leaning her head back.

"Aerosmith, really?" He questioned in reference to the tank top she was wearing.

"Dude, I named my kid Zeppelin, I have a thing, okay?"

The corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile, shaking his head at the woman.

"Dixon. . ." Vex said, just barely audible over the sound of gunfire, "I need you to find Zeppelin. I need you to make sure she got out of here okay."

"You quittin' on me?"

"I can't even stand," She said shortly.

Daryl looked around him for a moment, realizing there was no quick escape here.

"We just gotta get you on that bus—"

"The one that already left?" Vex questioned with a dry laugh.

Daryl felt his heart rise to his throat, looking around once more.

"Stay right here."

"Daryl," The woman said, grabbing his arm, "You have to go."

  "I ain't leavin' you--!"

  "Please," She said quietly, pulling him closer, forcing eye contact, "Just find my kid."

  Vex let out a breath, staring into his eyes for a moment longer. The ones that she'd told her past to, joked with, lived alongside.

  She pressed a kiss to his cheek, before turning back to the Governor's people, shooting whoever she could see.


  Now, Daryl Dixon left with the intention of returning to Vex. He left to find a quick way out, a way he could go carrying her weight-- he had no intention of leaving Vex Williams behind. Not now, not ever.

  But he had no idea the kind of determination that was inside Vex Williams, so he had no way of knowing she'd take out the men and walkers closest to her, and drag herself out of the alcove and eventually out of the prison.

  All he knew was that when he returned, minutes later with Beth Greene, that the spot he had left Vex in was bloody and empty.

  Because while Vex had said she couldn't walk, she had managed to limp her way to the cover of the forest. She had known he wouldn't leave her. Not if there was a chance, no matter how slim.

  Vex wasn't sure if she'd be able to make it out, even if she did, she wasn't sure how she would fare with a hole through her leg.

  But she needed to know, firsthand, that someone alive was looking for her kid.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐒, Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now