Take Up This Terracotta Armour, For The Hunt Begins Part 6

Start from the beginning

Caleb took many photos of the aftermath of the fight on the beach, with each photo making Willa's face increasingly blanched and drained of colour.

"Can I send this to my friend at the body farm?"

Out of nervousness and tiredness, Willa quickly nodded her head.

"Thank you so much!" He turned around. "Are you alright though?"

Willa shook her head.

As promised, Jenny explained the entire situation to her superiors and coworkers as best she could. The beacons were disabled and placed into a storage container to be transported to Calgary, and then to the Northwest Territories. Everyone believed Jenny, especially after she dragged back one of the bodies left behind after the fight. After a thorough autopsy corroborated her statements, Parks Canada promised that they would be watching for any further signs of this occurring.

A few hours later, Liza and Jenny were sitting next to Willa. Miguel and Nina were shooting water guns at each other, laughing as they got soaked. Hina joined in with a water gun, playfully shooting at the kids. Liza smiled and tried to give Nina tips on how to effectively soak her brother and Hina in water. It worked.

"Willa, don't beat yourself up over Clara."

She stirred. "I'm fine."

"I'm your Ate Liza, and I know when my younger sister is feeling happy, and this is not it." Liza hung her arm around Willa. "When I'm frustrated or when I need a breather, I clear my mind by going on a run. Also, Jenny and Caleb told me you weren't fine."

Jenny shrugged when Willa glared at her. "You need a break from work or something."

All of a sudden, Hina approached the three women, carrying a cell phone.

You didn't have to worry about the kids at all. I would like to talk to you and Hina Nishikawa alone, in a private setting.

At this time? Willa looked at Liza and Jenny.

"I'm sure it won't take long," Liza assured Willa. "You'll be back in no time."

Willa followed Hina back to the hotel, where Hina turned on her laptop in her room. As Hina typed on it and talked to herself, Willa wanted to say something.

"Thank you for looking after Miguel and Nina when neither Clara nor I could." Hina turned around.

Hina kept typing, but Willa saw the faintest hint of a smile on her lips. Once she was finished typing, the computer whirred to life. An app opened, allowing for the unknown contact to type.

The beacons that the park rangers found were of unknown origin. This is the first time I've seen anything like this. It sends out pulses on an unknown frequency, meant to resonate with an unknown quantity. Based on my resources, I have determined the most likely source of the beacon.

A message in Japanese popped up on the screen right after the English one.  Hina leaned in closer, eyes glued to the screen.


Hina nodded as if aliens were a reasonable explanation for the beacons. Willa wasn't convinced.

The aliens most likely planted these beacons to prepare for their invasion. Based on the way that the beacon has been handled, I suspect that the aliens can take on a humanoid form. How it relates to your ability to become the Dog, or if it is related, is unclear at the moment. Any possible chance of a government cover up is minimised due to your actions regarding Parks Canada.

Willa didn't know much about what was going on, but she was sure that it wasn't due to an alien invasion.

I have also located the location of your Key, based on your conversation with Jennifer Chang. It's in the British Isles. I found a computer terminal through which I can send you and Hina Nishikawa. Preparing the transportation sequence now.

"Wait! What about my sister and my friend? What about Hina's parents?"

They have been informed through text messaging.

"Before we go, I want to ask: who are you?"

Very well then. I won't reveal myself often, but considering our shared situations, my identity may be helpful.

On the screen, the words shifted until Willa was no longer staring at the words Unknown. Instead, it spelled out Ganymede.

"Who–?" Willa started.

The computer rattled before sucking Hina and Willa into the screen. It beeped and shined an electric blue with a symbol of two waves imposed on it before shutting down.

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