II : Unparalleled

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by: jestherrr | November 24, 2022

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There is no greater pull than that of he gravity that black hole holds
There is no considerably above the normal power than the weight that supercluster contains
Than a person who embraces themselves for who they are
And a man who seeks their importance in full pledge

Who are they to decide what we deserve?
No one can control you, no one has the power over you
You are your own believer
One thing is for sure to acknowledge our existence, our worth
Let's lay down our conviction and wear our hearts on our sleeves

Be an illumination in a city of gray
Nobody deserves to live in vain
Too much affection on ourselves— isn't selfish?
Yet somehow, we are all just a sheep that needs a guidance of a shepherd

You, yourself is magnificent just like a diamond
Our misery might be big enough to take us down,
But our own strength stands for us and making us realize that we are truly unparalleled
On our sorrowful years
In the happiest of our days...
Let your spell manifest within and make it your own magic
You are having no equal, you are exceptional
You are unique, you are matchless
You are unparalleled

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Escape Quarters: Silent MagicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon