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Nan Feng and Fu Yao exchange a perplexed expression, their brows furrowed in confusion. "Why is he here?" Nan Feng inquires, his arms folded across his chest in an almost defensive manner. "Furthermore, Why do you have a child in the first place?" Fu Yao's head tilts curiously, his demeanor is sassy. "Oh! It's just me," Xie Lian replies, attempting to hide his embarrassment with a cough. "Why now of all time do they choose to pay a visit?" Xie Lian ponders to himself, his cheeks flushing with nervousness as he avoids meeting anyone's gaze.

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 Fu Yao's voice boomed across the room, startling Xie Lian. "Wait a minute, Xie Lian?!" he exclaimed, striding closer to the table to get a better look at his face. Xie Lian summoned all his courage to meet his gaze, but his big golden eyes gave him away, they screamed the words 'Yeah, so this just happened.' Xie Lian pouted his lip, looking away and sighing softly. "Yeah... I don't know exactly how this happened," he admitted, his fingers fidgeting nervously. 

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Nan Feng, who had been watching silently, noticed how nervous Xie Lian appeared and let out a loud sigh. "...Alright, alright. How did this even happen?" he inquired impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground. Xie Lian lets out a soft sigh, he doesn't want to talk much about it. Xie Lian recounts the recent events that led up to his current situation, when he finishes, he turns away from them, and the silence is loud and awkward until Fu Yao clears his throat.

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"Word got around in the communication array that there are abnormal creatures in TongLu mountains. Anybody who goes up there doesn't come down." Fu Yao blurts out, "People who live around there say they hear the cries and shrieks of children, preferably little boys..." Nan Feng adds. Just for a moment, everybody's eyes shift over to Xie Lian for a quick second.

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Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he cleared his throat and nervously glanced away. "Are you saying the creatures in TongLu mountains may have been responsible as to why I have ended up like... this?" He puts on a very slight smile, waiting for a response. "What else could've done it, a fox?" Fu Yao replies snappishly, rolling his eyes.

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Nan Feng, with his arms crossed, observes Fu Yao's antics with a disapproving head shake. Xie Lian, amused by the display, lets out a sigh and a chuckle. "But if it was in TongLu mountains, then how did it make its way to here?" "Don't ask me, Ling Wen-zhenjun still hasn't come up with its rank," Fu Yao sneers, "Considering your size, it wouldn't be best to travel out alone."

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"Gege, doesn't that mean your cursed shackles may be gone?" San Lang inquires, he had been silent for so long that they all collectively forgot he was here. "You may be right, San Lang!" He suddenly became aware of the absence of his cursed shackle. With curiosity piqued, he carefully unraveled the bandage around his ankle, revealing the newfound freedom and weightlessness he felt without the cursed shackle's burden.

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Xie Lian takes a sharp inhale, his hand instinctively reaching down to feel around his ankle. Fu Yao's expression shifts to one of surprise, his eyes widening in response. "If the cursed shackle is truly gone, does that mean the power of the creature who took it surpasses that of the heavenly emperor?" Xie Lian considers the possibility and replies, "That's not an unreasonable assumption, Fu Yao. But, if it were indeed the case, wouldn't it have already revealed itself? After all, it's not as if it goes around randomly turning people into children."

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"How about we tell the heavenly emperor about this situation? I don't think it'll get solved too easily so soon..." Nan Feng suggests. With a smile on his face, Xie Lian turned towards Nan Feng and inquired, "Is there a specific reason why we should bring this matter to the attention of the heavenly emperor? As of now, we lack knowledge about the situation, and our options are limited. We can seek details from Ling Wen to gain more information."

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"No need, no need," Fu Yao rolls his eyes, "I find it quite strange how a child who resembles Xie Lian - 'The Crown prince of Xian Le' - would be wandering around the heavenly realm asking about a mysterious creature in the mountains," Fu Yao scoffs, rolling his eyes once more. "It's true that venturing into the heavenly realm may not be wise, considering my size. Maybe we should wait a few days and see if I've returned to my normal form." Xie Lian replies.

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Nan Feng shuts his eyes and nods his head, "So we must keep this a secret and wait a few days to see if you have made any progress?" "Precisely." Xie Lian immediately responds, nodding his head at Nan Feng with a smile. The four friends made a pact to keep their conversation confidential. Eventually, Nan Feng and Fu Yao bid their farewells, leaving Xie Lian and San Lang to continue their discussion in the peaceful Pu Qi shrine.

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