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◊  Xie Lian found a comfortable spot in a tea shop in the Yu Jun mountains. He politely asked for a cup of green tea, and the owner served it to him with a slight nod in acknowledgment of Xie Lian's thanks. As Xie Lian took a sip of the hot green tea, he let out a soft sigh through his nose. The steam from the tea gently brushed against his face, bringing him a sense of comfort.


◊  Suddenly, a loud crash and bang is heard outside, causing Xie Lian to turn his head towards the window. However, he sees nothing. Curious, he whispers to himself, "What could that have been?" As he continues to stare out the window, a faint beam of light illuminates from the forest. It moves around in different directions, catching Xie Lian's attention. 


◊  Xie Lian's interest is piqued, he takes a couple more sips of his green tea before handing the owner his payment and venturing out to investigate the loud sound coming through the forest. As he walks through the forest, he closely observes every bush and tree,  hoping to find a hint. He looks behind trees, beneath bushes, and even between the tall flowers and fields of grass.


◊  As Xie Lian walked around, he heard a soft rustling coming from a nearby bush. Cautiously, he approached it and reached out his hand to investigate. Suddenly, a bright beam of light shot up toward him, causing him to gasp and try to avoid it. But, it was too late, and the beam hit him, causing everything to black out.


◊  As he wakes up, he sits up slowly and rubs his head. He stretches and stands up, wondering what had happened. "What the heck just happened?" He groans quietly and slaps a hand over his mouth as he realizes that his voice sounds more high-pitched and childlike than before. It dawns on him that his voice has changed quite a bit.


◊  He gasped quietly, examining his body and hands closely while wearing a robe that was too big for him. The long, wrinkly sleeves covered his little hands, making them invisible. As he looked around at the forest, he felt discontent and whispered to himself, "Am I a child?" Everything looked so much bigger than him.


◊  He cleared his throat. "Hello?" He says, he immediately covers his mouth again. He confirms it was his voice, looking around and glancing at his small body. He pinches a sleeve of his robe and picks it up, it lightly falls back onto the ground as he lets it go. He rolls his sleeves back the best he can, he observes his hands, they are way smaller than they were before.


It dawns on Xie Lian,


He was now a child again!

TGCF X CHILD! XIE LIANWhere stories live. Discover now