Break ups

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so i was 13 when i got my first boyfriend and his name was Blake and he was 15 and u know it's not even love at that young age people say but to us it is love for some damn reason.So i met blake on the bus and we were best friends for 6 months before he asked me out .I originally liked him from the start but i was to scared say anything about it and it kinda ruined my chance until i told him but anyways I dated him from November 9 to December 16 !

We broke up because he would hang around his ex alot and always talked to her and he ignored me and always put her first before me and i got pissed off alot to say and i also got stressed and upset and sad alot because of jelousy and the lies and just everything.I stayed home the nxt day from school i cried for a total of 3 weeks i cried in morning and the afternoon and the night.I think it hurt the most seeing he didnt care for me like i was a toy pretty much.The people who visted me was my bestfriend's Dylan,Christian,Taylor and that's it .Blake never visted me or cared basically. I tried be his friend but we always argue or cuss but we end up fixing it and being friend's.Me and blake dated 4 more time's and i was just done after last break up and i moved on with my life without him in picture at all he was my past and was going to stay in my past for good and when i left him in past i made new friends and got a new sweet bf and i was happy again.What im trying say is never give up their is a guy or girl out their for u somewhere or some place u might find them at .

Some helpful get over break up is to ?

*Listion to sad and getting over break up songs like

whats make u stronger by kelly clarkson and also her other song since u been gone.

*Eat icecream!!!

ice cream help's u get all your emotions out and its just plain yummy

*Talk to your friend's

Talk to your close friend's about everything it's good get everything out !


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