Cassandra Mikaelson/Parker

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Name: Cassandra (Cassie) Mikaelson/Parker


Age 4 to 7: (Young) Lexi Rabe

Age 11 to 12: Lexi Rabe

Age 13 to 18: Mackenzie Foy

Age 19+: Selena Gomez

Famous Lines:

"Oh, your name's Edward? Are you a creepy vampire guy who sparkles in the sun? Because real vampires don't do that." - Cassie to Blackbeard.

"I killed you once, I could easily do it again!" - Cassie to Damon.

"Well I'm clearly alive, aren't I?" - Cassie to Kol.

"I know you're obsessed with me. I mean, who wouldn't be? Look at me!" - Cassie to Damon.

"I have always been told I was a freak. Today, I'm finally embracing that freakiness." - Cassie to Joshua.

"Have you heard the saying, 'Live your life to its fullest. You never know when your last day is going to be.' Well, today's your last." -Cassie to Joshua.

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