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After what seemed like an eternity you finally came back to school.
Mitsuri, Obanai and Kai were waiting for you at the school gates and then went inside.

You and Kai haven't talked much after what happened and Mitsuri tried to not make things awkward between you since we were now a group.

"What are you going to do when you'll see Giyuu? I mean... are you going to act like you weren't on top of him a few days ago?" Mitsuri said giggling which made you roll my eyes.

And of course speaking of the devil...
There he was.

"Stop drooling y/n." Mitsuri said pushing her elbow against your arm.

Giyuu didn't seem to notice you since he was talking to Mr. Rengoku so you just headed to class since you had history.

After five minutes Mr. Rengoku entered the classroom with his beaming smile.
"Good morning class!... y/n you finally came back! Me and Mr. Tomioka were just talking about you, he was pretty worried... you should go to his office after class." He said that in front of the class so everyone was now looking at you. you wanted to dig a hole underneath you and disappear since you were embarrassed.


I heard the bell ring as I was sitting in my office correcting some homework.
As I started packing my things someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said kinda annoyed because I just wanted to back home quickly but my eyes widened as I saw y/n entering the room. She was blushing and looked down at the ground.

"Y/n... please take a seat." I pointed one of the two chairs sitting in front of my desk.

She sat but still wasn't look at me.
"Is something wrong?" I asked her trying to understand why she was here.
"I- well Mr. Rengoku said that I should pay you a visit since he told me that you were worried about me..." she finally looked at me and blushed even more.

"Oh well, thank you y/n." I replied calmly, keeping my eye contact with her. "It has been a few days since I last saw you so I was wondering if everything is alright." I explained in a calm tone.
"Yeah, I just needed some time to think" she said looking at the ground.

"About what?" I asked because I wanted to help her not because I want to stick my nose in her business.
"Nothing important... just some things that recently happened..." she still didn't look at me.

"Has the incident at the party anything to do with it?" I started to get embarrassed remembering what happened but I had to play it cool.

She widened her eyes as I asked her that question and blushed even more.
"I assume it's a yes?" I asked her and she nodded her head, but something tells me there's more than that.
I took a deep breath before talking again.

"I already told you it's ok... it's not like you did it on purpose, you were drunk. It's my fault as a teacher for staying there with you but I couldn't leave you out there alone... if that happened with someone else... God don't make me think about it, you should be more careful when you find yourself in these situations y/n."

She didn't reply as she kept looking down.

I just stayed quiet for a while, then changed subjects.
"So, how are you doing y/n? Do you feel refreshed now than a few days ago?"
"Yes, thank you for asking." She softly smiled.

"I am glad to hear that, I won't scold you only because you prioritized your mental health, but make sure to not skip any other school days ok?" I tried to be as gentle as possible while talking to her.
"Yes teacher." was the only answer I got back, she's way more drier that how she used to be.

"You may leave now, if you ever need anything please do not hesitate to talk to me or ask me for help, I might be just a teacher but I care about my students." I said genuinely.

She just nodded her head and left.

I stayed silent and stared at the empty chair she was sitting in just a few minutes ago.
She's behaving strangely, I should keep an eye on her.

I had a feeling I couldn't describe so I decided to follow her.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora