3.3 - Voicemails & Vengeful Contrivance

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3.3 - Voicemails & Vengeful Contrivance

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TW: French

Deeply apologize for the insane amount of French in this chapter, all translations are at the end and in the comments sometimes ? Maybe ?

Also!! I would pay attention or at least note the dates during the voicemails, the amount of re-reading of Kalopsia I had to do for that scene is appalling really.

Cry- Cigarettes After Sex

"J'ai peur de te quitter à nouveau. J'ai tellement peur."

"I didn't understand most of that."

Wilbur likes to think that Lorelai is one of the smartest people he knows. She's read every piece of classic literature under the sun. She recited multiple poems while under the influence. She probably hasn't taken a single chemistry class since secondary school and can still tell someone how many valence electrons Potassium has.

One thing Lorelai doesn't seem to get, is the perspective of a depressed English musician. Who, in his heartbroken state, learned more French then he had whilst in the relationship with said French girl.

So, Wilbur understood most of that.

More than most.

All of that, quite frankly.

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Cry – Cigarettes After Sex (cont.)

Lorelai is overcome with a strange sense of Déjà vu when she wakes up.

Déjà vu from the 2 years straight of waking up exactly like how she was at that second. Fingers intwined in Wilbur's hair. Duvet pulled up from the corners of the mattress. Lorelai's eyes feel sticky, and her tongue is desert dry. Cottonmouth at its finest. She needs a glass of water, but she's here, and Wil's directly next to her, mere inches. Breathing. Existing.

"This means something, right? We're not going to gloss over this, or excuse it—because we were high?"

"I won't. Depends on what you do."

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Daydreaming - Radiohead

Lorelai was born with her mother's judgement and her father's tendency to ignore calls. She has 26 voicemails in her inbox accumulated from the near decade of having her phone number. One for every year she's lived.

Her mother has left 12. Which is a shocking amount considering Maman.

9/16/2014: 11:12 AM, "Lorelai, Quand allez-vous revenir en France? Appelez-moi."

10/4/2014: 8:54 PM, "Salut, c'est maman, Valérie me dit que tu réussis bien à l'école. Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas rentrer chez toi et continuer tes études ? Tes frères et sœurs te manquent."

12/3/2014: 9:32 AM, "Bonjour Lorelai, Votre sœur vous a-t-elle parlé du mariage ? Charles aimerait vous en parler. Je voudrais aussi. Appelez-moi."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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