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a/n: small reminder that Terrence is Ollie's Cat, he's mentioned a couple times in this chapter and just wanted there to be no confusion :-)

Tw: anxiety attack

First off, Ollie had called Parker, letting him know that he was needed.

It took just over 45 minutes to explain that it was not a trap, that her house was safe, and it was for a good cause. It took another 20 to convince him that telling the others about—their conversation—would be a good cause.

Tommy, Wil, and Lorelai were already on their way—so there wasn't any convincing needed. She called Iris and Big Q next, they acted weird over the phone. Ollie prayed to whatever gods there were that the couple weren't 'arguing' and wouldn't be all weird tomorrow when she dropped the...news.

Vee and Ranboo complied casually, as if this had been a regular circumstance. Vee, who Ollie had already consulted about the issue, seemed unperturbed about it. Ranboo on the other hand, being oblivious as ever, said yes once Ollie had mentioned that she would be providing lunch, which he volunteered to help make.

Lastly, a call to the Campbell house was in order. Ollie hoped that it wouldn't be Lee on the other line and she would not have to go through a 20-minute lecture-therapy-consult about how she was going a little bit crazy, (because she definitely was, but that wasn't the problem at matter). Thankfully, it had been Athena.

Athena's an interesting conversationalist, because she's quite blunt. She asked some reasonable questions, and pushed back a tad—which was expected, but by that moment Ollie had gotten overwhelmingly anxious and almost baited Athena—in a way. Yet, the Campbell family (plus Tubbo) were on their way to a rather—eventful lunch.

Maybe they already know, Ollie contemplated, absentmindedly. Wondering how it was so easy to get her friends together on such short notice. Maybe this will be easier than she had originally thought.

Spoiler alert: It was not.

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"Iris isn't showing up until noon, because she's an asshole."

"She said she had something really important to do." Ranboo said flatly, whisking some parmesan into a bowl of butter, "Big Q vouched."

She only rolled her eyes begrudgingly, because of course Big Q would vouch, "Our other friend isn't coming until then as well, so it doesn't matter too much."

"Who's our 'other friend?" Ranboo asked, looking up from the pasta (more specifically, 'farfalle chicken pesto pasta') he was preparing.

"That's top-secret info." She enunciated, pronouncing each syllable. She began to flip through a magazine absentmindedly as she spoke, "You'll find out when you find out."

Ranboo had begun to protest, not before the kitchen door swung open, a tearstained Vee in the doorway.

"You." She looked directly towards Ranboo, "I need you."

"Oh shit." Ollie's jaw dropped, the magazine going limp in her hands, "Is Ranboo in trouble?"

"No," Vee barely glanced towards the girl before looking back at a pale Ranboo, his pasta nearly bubbling over the pot as he stayed frozen in place, "It's just an emergency."

𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐔𝐌 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄 , 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang