Part 6:

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"Zain he's dead"Maa begum said panicking "what has happened help us?!"Sitting down and drinking a glass of water.

"Maa zain disappeared last night and never came back"Murtasim said Maintaining strong confident voice.

"Find out who did this my nephew he's gone!"Maa begum said crying.

"Don't worry Maa I'll find out who did this although it would be very difficult"Murtasim said walking back and forth.

"No this will bring shame to the family"Maa begum said almost panicking.

"Don't worry this will be taken care of don't stress"Murtasim said kissing the top of his mothers head and leaving the room.

Murtasim went to his study he was tense and stressed that this bought so much chaos to the family.

Murtasim left his study making his way towards his bedroom when he bumped into meerab crying.

"Meerab are you okay ?!"Murtasim said softly touching her waist.

"No zain is dead this can't be" Meerab said resting her head on murtasims chest.

"Don't cry everything happened for a reason"Murtasim said touching her hair softly.

"Remember meerab if you ever feel sad come to me I'll always be here"Murtasim said resting his chin on top of her head.

"Doesn't make me forget what uve done before"Meerab said pushing him away and walking to her bedroom leaving Murtasims heart aching.

He was heading to his bedroom when he saw bakhtu approaching him proudly.

"Saab the work has been done"Bakhtu said to Murtasim leaving murtasim more happy.

"Hm some things never change do they"Murtasim said giving bakhtu a whole load of money."good job"Murtasim said patting bakhtu back.

"Saab one last thing"bakhtu said making murtasim turn around in confusion.

"What if someone finds out"Bakhtu said worried looking at murtasim for help.

"No one will this is between me and you"Murtasim said giving him a chuckle.

"Saab why did you do this to zain"?Bakhtu said embarrassed to ask Murtasim.

"Because he wanted to take meerab away from me you know I can't bear that "Murtasim said looking down.

"Love makes us do crazy things"Bakhtu said rubbing his forehead.

"It sure does"Murtasim said a bit of sadness hinting on his face.

Haya pov:

I dressed up in a black seductive sari with a bit of my cleavage showing.Today is the day I want to make Murtasim mine I want him to claim me to have a right to me.

Murtasim came out the shower with a towel around his waist he looked shocked to see me wearing the outfit I was wearing.

I came towards him in a seductive manner I wanted him so badly.

"Haya get out of my room now"Murtasim said he was rubbing his forehead it must have been that pill I slipped in his tea today .

I smirked making my way towards him he looked like he was not bothered I pushed him onto his seat.

"Haya stop I just told you "Murtasim said annoyed and irritated.

"Now!"Murtasim said giving haya a slap.

I was too stunned to speak murtasim just slapped me.

"I'm all yours murtasim all yours" I said practically shoving myself at him.

"Never it's always going to be meerab you and I will never be and at least she is not shameless unlike you now get out I want nothing to do with you after this!"Murtasims said dragging haya out and pushing her out his room.

Murtasim pov :

I have to tell Maa begum and hayas disgusting behaviour.

"Haya is not allowed to live here send her back to the village I never want to see her again after this shameful behaviour"I said this behaviour made me disgusted I hope I never see her again.

"Maa haya did the most shameful thing even thing entering my bedroom in the most disgusting way kick her out"!I said annoyed and slammed my phone.

"I will I didn't expect this from her"Maa begum "send her away immediately"!

Meerab pov:

"What happened murtasim why are you sending haya away "Meerab said confused.

"Because she did the most shameful thing"Murtasim said annoyed.

"Don't be mad at me I had to I'm sorry meerab but she tried to do the most disgusting act"I said touching her face.

"Why, wasn't she going to be your fiancé?!"meerab said moving her hand away.

"Meerab I LOVE YOU"!Murtasim said smashing his lips onto hers leaving meerab to gasp for air.

"I've loved you since the day I've met you I've never loved haya I miss the moments we've spent together your my chahat I'll always love you"Murtasim said crying in meerabs hand.

"Do you remember the moments we spent together"?Murtasim said hugging onto her fragile body.

"No"Meerab said coldly walking off leaving Murtasim by himself.

What do you think about this chapter??💭 let me know x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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