Part 5:

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"No we can't run away"Meerab said anxiously looking around.

"Yes we can meerab this is the only way I would ever get to be with you"Murtasim said smiling fondly towards meerab stroking her hands.

"But I can't do this I cant"Meerab said she anxiously pulling away from his touch.

"Is it because of Zain"?Murtasim said glaring at me slowing taking steps towards me until I hit a wall.

"No murtasim what ?!"Meerab said in an uncomfortable position.

"Is that why you ruined our relationship in the past for him"!Murtasim said slamming his hands on the wall.

"No I never said that what do you think of me "Meerab said shocked.

"Meerab I miss you what do you not understand I don't love haya I love you and you only I won't be able to bear seeing you with another man "Murtasim said his eyes filled with tears and red.

"What there was no other man murtasim I gave you all my love "Meerab said her chest feeling tight.

"Remember Meerab if I'm not happy you'll never be to"Murtasim said with intense eyes.

"So be it "Meerab said moving away from him until murtasim pulled her into a tight kiss she was startled but his lips were soft and it felt right.

"Remember Meerab if it doesn't work out I'll always be waiting"Murtasim said fixing his collar.

"Im not marrying haya those wedding arrangements are for mariums wedding she wanted to save her izzat by me saying no to haya aur meri shaadhi"Murtasim said giving meerab one long lasting looking leaving the garden.

Meerab pov:

I felt so guilty marium had to marry Noraiz cause Murtasim said not to marrying Haya.
I felt so bad I went to my room and cried until I heard a knock.

"Who is it"I said wiping my tears.

"Zain please open up"i heard the voice echo from outside I opened the door to find him smiling at me .

"I heard you crying tell me what's wrong? "Zain said making his way into my room and sitting on my bed.

"Nothing I'm just sad marium is getting forced into the marriage"I said wiping my tears .

"Oh Meerab  maruim agreed to it she's always like noraiz they've got along quite well actually"zain said which made my mood go up .

"Really?I said this made me so happy the weight of my chest felt lighter.

"Yes"!,now hurry we have to go to the wedding"zain said getting up off my bed.

"Oh yes"!I said changing my flats to heels and fixing my hair.

"Shall we"? As me and zain walked to the wedding hall together.

Authors Pov:
The wedding went quite well it was delightful murtasim was not spotted anywhere he was most likely making arrangements.

As for zain and meerab there time together at the wedding was splendid haya was sat miserably on her seat sipping trying to look at murtasim every 5 seconds.

Murtasim had finally arrived at the wedding he was in all white his hair slicked and his outfit neetily ironed.

He had spotted zain and meerab from a distance his hands in fists.

"Bakhtu I want him dead."

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