Okay, angelface?

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By a miracle, Ada was alright. You don't want to know the details- but what occurred had put Tommy in a compromising situation. He needed to make a decision about what he was going to do with his daughter. This was not okay. Never had it been so bad that she had tried to claim the life of someone, let alone her favourite person on the planet.

Tom coughed, "Pol. Come, sit. We... You were right. We need Mary to stay. I'm thinking about the nutcase unit, but until then... can we keep Mary close at hand."

"I'm sure she'll be happy too."

Mary O'Garrow, the saviour of the Shelby family came at a moments notice. "Tom, how're you feeling? How is Cora."

"She knows she's not popular at the moment and she wants to get out of her room, she keeps fucking fighting me, I just want to keep her wrapped in bubblewrap."

"Well popped bubblewrap is no good and if she that desperately wants to get out, she will."

"Reassuring, thanks Mary." He huffed and lit a cigar. "Just talk to her and fix her because I'm sick to fucking death of it."

"The breakdowns or her on the whole?"

"Up to you."

Mary rolled her eyes. "For fucks sake." She went over to Cora's room and sat on the end of her bed. "Hello sunshine. You doing okay?"

"Yeah." Cora spluttered and choked, she'd developed a terrible cough since being locked in her room. "I feel really bad about what I did with Auntie Ada. I'm so horrid..." She cuddled her pink bunny rabbit Tommy had given her before the war, it was like her lucky mascot, except nothing about it was lucky. Tommy didn't come back the same as he did when he gave Cora that rabbit- so what's the point. Cora couldn't get over why her Daddy didn't come back the same, she was too young to understand.

"Well it's excellent you feel bad. You're not horrid you're just sick. And I'm going to try and help you get better, okay angelface?"

Cora giggled. Tommy called her that when he was in a good mood.

"Right then Coz. When you get all panicky, what do you think the first step to do would be?"

She shrugs, "Uh. I. Mh... Maybe do the 5 things I can see thing."

"Things you know are real, not your hallucinations. But yes. Good problem solving." Mary stopped halfway through her sentence, to pat Cora's back as she splutters. "Want some water?"

"No ta, only makes me cough worse."

The older woman shrugged and kept patting until her cough is soothed. Mary already felt protective over this small child. She just wants to be seen for who she truly is, and not who she becomes in an episode.  She knew what it was like, growing up a gypsy in London- just wants to be seen for who she is and not how she sounds or appears.

"Here Cora, start writing a diary for me. Then we can review it together, sound alright?"


Mary left, and Cora got a bit of scrap paper out.

'Dear Diary, I'm Cora and I'm not going to write in you. I don't want people meddling in my business therefore I'm writing naff all. Mary doesn't like me she pities me. I don't need her sympathy.' Cora wanted to write more but she didn't want to make a dig at Mary, because she was nice enough. "Hch hch hch." Another coughing fit was coming on. She began to get lightheaded, which overwhelmed her and I'm sure you can imagine what happened next.

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