What is there to say.

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  Pol, Gypsy queen, was sat doing a tarot reading on Finn when Thomas walks in.

Finn chirped up for once, "Tom what the fucks up with Cor?"

"Why is everything about her?" He hated being pestered about the health of his little one. They should just leave her alone.

Pol smirked slyly, "Listen here, you might find this funny. Mary reckons Cora is clever."

Tommy chuckled. Finn chuckled. Pol joins in.

Mary snaps, "She is clever! I don't know why you can't see it. Just because she's... well, you know... how... how she is- does NOT mean for a second she's thick. I think it's disgusting you three find it funny. She's not dumb. I... you're all appalling. Tommy your role as her father is to support her and help her learn about the world and protect her not to laugh at her."

Tommy rolls his eyes in a very teenage like manner, "Always getting lectured. Just fucking shut your mouth. If you're not talking to Cora just fucking leave, eh."

"Defensive." She teased but complied and left.

"I don't want to hear another word from anyone about Cora." He commanded, as if they'd actually do as he says. The shelbys were like American high school girls when it came to gossip and drama.

Flicking through his diary, he scanned for a good date for a business meeting. And he crossed off the day at the time off as a "good day." This meant he didn't really have to spend a lot of time with Cora, something that drained him to no end.

The thing with Cora was, she was such a lovely girl when she's not having a moment. She was so happy and little girly. It's easy to forget that when you see her at her most vulnerable- which was getting more and more frequent in a small period of time.

Little did anyone know, that Cora needed some attention when she was good. To validate her, to remind her she was so much more than a little manic.

Cora trotted down the stairs. She looked at her dad and smiled, her beautiful gappy smile. Tommy looked at her back. She coughed, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"What is there to say?"

"Oh. Could we maybe go for a walk or go on the horsies together?"

Tommy felt bad, awful even, for denying his daughter yet another outing together. "Maybe later. I've just come back from a long journey."



Cora went to say something, that she thought would've been quite impactful, but decided better of it. She went to see the horses by herself.

That bored her eventually. She got up, with a face like thunder. She went to the library to see Ada. Ada, her funny aunt who always liked to have conversation with her. Recently, Cora felt neglected of good conversation.

"Auntie Ada!"

"Hiya love! Here, come read this with me. It might be a little tricky for you."


"As you say, Cor. So what's up? I know when somethings the matter."

Cora's lips turned down, and her eyes watered a tad. She sniffled and blew her nose on a hanky, "Its not really important, and quite boring most probably."

Ada simply nodded, imploring her to go on.

"Okay... well everyone talks to me like I'm silly and no one wants to do anything with me because all they see is a crazy person and I ask Daddy if he wants to spend time with me and he always says no and then he says sorry but if he was sorry he'd do something to change it and he never does! It's like he never even came back from France because he's nothing like how I remember him and it makes me me so sad." She forced out, now crying and say with her legs pulled up to her chest. This had, undoubtedly, been on her mind a while and she'd worked herself up.

"You poor thing." Ada wrapped her in a cuddle and kissed her forehead.

"No one else really cares."

Ada tutted and didn't let her niece go, clearly heartbroken for her. "I do."

"Auntie Ada... I'm so tired... of being the way I am... I'm so tired. I just want it to end..."

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