Chapter 4

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Engfas' POV

Being one of the hottest professors on whole college was something so interesting to me. I had bunch off students and coworkers wanting to sleep with me. But they weren't interesting to me. Only Charlotte. She was something else.

Watching her enter my class, all serious, acting like nothing ever happened between us made me feel some type of way. Even her sitting in the back of the class, trying not to focus on me but I could feel her eyes linger on my body every once in awhile.

As soon as I dismissed class Charlotte got up, and I let myself scan her whole body. Faded baggy jeans and white crop top with oversized college jacket gave her sexy boyfriend look, and I liked it a bit to much.

"Charlotte." I called out for her, once she was almost out the door.

She stood there frozen for a moment, before turning to face me. She gave me lip tight smile, as she adjusted bag on her shoulder.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked polietly, and I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

I let my eyes scan over the classroom and once I was sure we are alone, I took step forward and place one hand on her hips. I cought her off guard, as I could tell she was tensed.

"You look really beautiful today Charlotte, I love the fit." I spoke softly as I could see blush reach her cheeks, and she looked down hiding her face away from me.

"Thank you." She spoke softly, and looked around awkwardly. "I should go, I'll be late for class."

I nodded and moved my hand away from her hip, before leaning against my desk.

"Do you have some plans for tonight?" I asked softly and she shrugged her shoulders casualy.

"It's friday, I'm going on a party." She said softly and I nodded my head before bitting on my bottom lip gently.

"Okay, well...if you'll be in a mood for after party. You know where my place is." I simply said, causing her to blush again.

"Uh, yeah I know." She spoke softly, and run fingers through her hair nervously.

"You'll be late for class." I teased and she immediatly frowned and nodded her head, as she whispered small 'bye' before rushing out the classroom.

That made me smile softly to myself. She was adorable soul, with beautiful face and hottest body and she knew how to use it.

"Engfa." Soft knock was heard on classroom doors as Rebecca walked in.

She was one off my coworkers, and also the girl I sleept with when I was bored. But after Charlotte no one could compare to her.

Even thought Rebecca was gorgeous, tall, with porculan skin, long black hair and blue eyes. She wasn't Charlotte, something about that girl was just captivating to me.

"Oh, hey." I smiled softly trying to act like I wasn't deep in my thoughs only seconds ago.

"Everything okay?" She asked softly and I nodded my head.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" I asked softly, and watched woman in front off me shrugging her shoulders, as she took step closer to me and placed one hand on my shoulder.

"You know it's been awhile since we had some fun." She spoke softly as her eyes were scaning all over my body.

"Yeah, I know. But I was really bussy." I lied, I had plenty off free time, but spending it with her wasn't fitting my schedule.

She nodded at that and placed one off her hands on my cheek, caressing it gently.

"Do you have time tonight?" She whispered out seductivly but I immediatly shooked my head.

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