Encyclopedia of the Enchanted 7

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       In Malay and Indonesian folklore, a Pontianak is a female ghost or vampire-like spirit. It is often associated with women who died during childbirth. Pontianak are known for their pale appearance, long hair, and ability to shape-shift into beautiful women to lure victims.

 Pontianak are known for their pale appearance, long hair, and ability to shape-shift into beautiful women to lure victims

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     Ningen is a term from Japanese cryptozoology, referring to a large aquatic creature resembling a human. Descriptions vary, but Ningen is often described as having a human-like face, a humanoid body, and the appearance of blubber or pale skin. Reports of Ningen sightings are mostly considered hoaxes or misidentifications.

 Reports of Ningen sightings are mostly considered hoaxes or misidentifications

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    In various mythologies, a Ghoul is a creature that feeds on the flesh of the dead, often depicted as a grave robber or corpse eater. Ghoul legends appear in Middle Eastern folklore and have been incorporated into Western literature and popular culture.

 Ghoul legends appear in Middle Eastern folklore and have been incorporated into Western literature and popular culture

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      In Buddhist cosmology, a Preta is a type of supernatural being known as a "hungry ghost." Pretas are depicted as having insatiable hunger and suffering, unable to satisfy their cravings. They are often depicted with distended bellies and tiny mouths, making it difficult for them to eat.

 They are often depicted with distended bellies and tiny mouths, making it difficult for them to eat

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     In Norse mythology, a Draugr is an undead creature that rises from the grave to guard its treasure or torment the living. Draugar (plural of Draugr) are often depicted as revenants with superhuman strength, shapeshifting abilities, and a lingering attachment to the material world.

 Draugar (plural of Draugr) are often depicted as revenants with superhuman strength, shapeshifting abilities, and a lingering attachment to the material world

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   The Dullahan is a figure from Irish mythology, often depicted as a headless rider mounted on a black horse. They are considered a harbinger of death and are said to carry their own severed head under one arm. The head is said to have a grotesque grin and can see across great distances. When a Dullahan stops riding, it is said that a person will die. They are associated with the world of the dead and are sometimes considered a banshee-like entity.

 They are associated with the world of the dead and are sometimes considered a banshee-like entity

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       The Redcap is a creature from British folklore, specifically associated with the Scottish Borders region. It is usually described as a malevolent spirit that inhabits ruined castles and towers. The Redcap is known for its red cap, which is often soaked in the blood of its victims. It is said that the cap needs to be regularly stained with fresh blood, and if it dries out, the Redcap loses its power. The Redcap is considered dangerous and is known to attack travelers who venture too close to its territory.

Maybe to be continued...

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