Encyclopedia of the Enchanted 6

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       In Māori mythology, a Taniwha is a spiritual creature or guardian spirit often associated with bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Taniwha can take various forms and are believed to protect specific places and people. They can be benevolent or malevolent, depending on the circumstances.

 They can be benevolent or malevolent, depending on the circumstances

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      Wondjina are ancestral spirits from the mythology of the indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia. They are often depicted as powerful, cloud-like figures associated with creation and the control of natural elements. Wondjina are considered sacred and are believed to influence the weather and landscape.

 Wondjina are considered sacred and are believed to influence the weather and landscape

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               78.Rainbow Serpent

      The Rainbow Serpent is a significant deity in the mythology of various Aboriginal cultures in Australia. It is often depicted as a serpent or snake associated with water sources, such as rivers and waterholes. The Rainbow Serpent is believed to be a creator being, responsible for shaping the land and waterways.

 The Rainbow Serpent is believed to be a creator being, responsible for shaping the land and waterways

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