The assembly

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As we enter the auditorium laughter and chatter fills my ears. "Eleanor over here" a familiar voice yells out. I search the crowd until I finally spot liv sitting in the middle section close to the stage. I make my way towards her squeezing past people and dodging chairs. As I'm walking someone on the opposite side of the auditorium catches my eye. It's a boy with gorgeous brown curly hair, and enchanting blue eyes. For a moment the whole room goes silent and all I can see is him. Who is this boy? I've never seen him before. Suddenly he looks up in my direction and I quickly look to the floor so he doesn't notice I was staring. I find a seat next to Liv. "Took your time" she says with a grin on her face.
"I think I just saw the love of my life" I reply.
"What where?" Liv exclaims excitedly. I turn around in my seat and liv follows. I search the room for the mysterious curly haired boy. "There" I spotted him and pointed him out so Liv could see. "Him? That's Archie Turnbull, he's a year 9" No, why did this gorgeous boy have to be in the year below. Before we can say anything else we're interrupted by the static of the microphone and Mrs Kaitlin's drowsy voice fills the room. "Silence please students, silence!"

The assembly went by painfully slowly the usual announcements and speeches about how we need to improve as students, we've all heard it before. But I wasn't really focused, I couldn't get the picture of Archie Turnbull out of my head. I mean how can such a gorgeous boy exist in my school and I didn't know, and why does he have to be a year 9. It's not fair. Ding! Ding! The bell signalling the end of the day rings throughout the room. Mrs Kaitlin decides to let the year 7s out first as usual. Then the year 8s. "Typical we're going to be let out last again" liv complains. " I know right it's ridiculous" I agree. When the year 9s are called to leave I turn around and spot Archie Turnbull standing up and heading for the door. He looks up and his eyes meet mine. This eye contact holding me rigid in place. His piercing blue eyes. Then he breaks it and moves on with the crowd. "Hello, el, she said we can leave, so move" liv says waving a hand over my eyes. "Oh sorry I got a bit distracted" I say as I stand up and join the crowd leaving the auditorium. "Yeah you were very distracted, by a certain year 9 by any chance" a large grin appears on liv's face as she teases me. "I don't know what your talking about" I reply.

We follow the stream of students towards our locker bay and struggle our way through the crowd to access our lockers. I stuff my laptop and books in my bag, and zip it up. I grab my phone and swing my bag onto my back, and exit the bustling crowd. Liv appears next to me "right let's get out of here" she says, and we walk towards the bus stop. As usual the bus stop is packed with students from all different year levels. We wait about ten minutes before the big yellow bus appears. We struggle our way to two free seats. We sit down and drop out bags onto the floor. "So you gonna add Archie on snap?" Liv asks. I think for a moment, at first I consider it but then realise that he would be able to see that I looked him up, and I don't want to come across as a stalker.
"I would but I don't want him to see that I added him by search"
"Fair enough, I guess you'll just never be able to talk to him then" she says shaking her head.
"You know me, I'll find a way" liv laughs at that, but she knows it's true.

- that's part 1 let me know if I should continue the story.

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