Chapter 4: And So The Story Goes

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There was nothing Nicki hated more than waking up from a blissful night's sleep, especially when she'd been tired out so thoroughly the night before, something she hadn't experienced in a very long time; the kind of sleep that you got only after being thoroughly pleased.

As the morning sun filtered through her curtains, Nicki groaned and buried her head under the pillow. The remnants of her dream, a fleeting memory of obnoxiously bright orange hair, thick thighs, and rough kisses. Gosh that girl was freaky.

"Good morning, baby," a voice whispered from her doorway, or at least tried to whisper, the words sounded through the room like a really loud snake, its tone harsh and slurred, clearly indicating the speaker was either still drunk from the night before or nursing a vicious hangover; immediately, her mood soured like milk left out on a counter, and Nicki could hardly suppress the exaggerated roll of her eyes, a silent gesture of frustration at the unwelcome intrusion into her peaceful morning sanctuary.

Kenny hadn't been home again last night, not that Nicki particularly cared. She and her baby had indulged in much-needed mother-son time. The quiet was nice, and she didn't have a reason to feel guilty. The absence Kenny's unreliable negative energy was thoroughly enjoyed by her.

Not that she had a reason to feel guilty. Kenny was clearly still drunk from a night of partying and heavy liquor. His shirt and pants were rumpled, and he had clear lipstick stains on his collar, There, on his neck, was a colorful hickey, a glaring testament to his indiscretions. In that moment, Nicki's resolve solidified; her sanctuary was her son, and she would to shield him from his father's embarrassing lifestyle decline.

"Nigga, do you see the motherfucking time!?" she shouted at him, irritated by the sound of his voice, the sight of his face, not to mention the smell of ass and Hennessey on him.

With an exaggerated sigh, Kenny stumbled into the room, his bleary eyes attempting to focus on the clock. "Relax your dramatic ass, nik," he slurred, slumping against the door frame.

Nicki's frustration reached its peak as she tossed the covers off her body and sat up. "Don't piss me the fuck off kenny. your ass go'n step in my house smelling like stale piss and shit. Then got the audacity to call me dramatic!? You musta lost your muthafuckin mind ill tell you that shit!"

Kenny rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth "what's your issue tho? So i spent the night at my homeboys house, i do it all the time you've never had a problem before?" Nicki paused.

For once kenny was right there wasn't a time nicki could remember ever being bothered by him coming in at a time like this. It was better for her afterall, she could work and rest knowing McDonalds and some stripper thot was keeping her 'wifely' chores done. However this morning clearly something had changed.

"I'm tired of your bitchass doing this bitchass shit! Is this the example you want to set for your son? To be some dead beat wannabe drunk? If your ass was out there chasing a fucking bag it wouldn't be so bad but nah your out speading my money and being a bum!" Nicki shouted stepping out of her bed and pulling her towel and toothbrush out of her draw and tucking her phone into her sleeping shorts

She's had it up to here with this man, the very sound of his voice aggravated her much less the stupid look permanently etched onto his snake ass face.

"Oh so its your money now? I thought we were a team!? Whats yours is mine right?"

"Fuck out mah face with that bullshit you don't even own a toothbrush much less my money. You can own shit when you start shaking ass in a music video! I didn't take your broke ass out the hood for you to bring that ghetto shit in my house! And ain't no homeless nigga go'n disrespect me to my face! Now go wash your balls before i decide you dont need one and make it a pussy!" She shouted before slamming the bathroom door in his face.

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