Long Kiss Goodbye

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Shikamaru was in a state of shock that Naruto died at the hands of Boruto after receiving information from Ada. He asked Ada, "are you sure"? Ada was about to say no when suddenly Kawaki gripped her dress collar with a hard grip hold as he coldly stared into her eyes with deadly intent that convey to her to lie or else Boruto death won't be his only objective. Ada under duress said, "yes I'm sure. The Hokage was killed by Boruto". Kawaki let go of Ada as he said, "good".

In the other side of the forest, Sarada held Mitsuki at bay as she attempted to stop his blind bloodlust towards Boruto when suddenly Shikamaru announced to every leaf Shinobi that Boruto killed the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki! Sarada was stun at the sudden announcement that Boruto killed the Seventh Hokage. Sarada in a state of shock dropped to her knees as she mumbled, "I don't understand what's going on", as she tried to fight back tears, until Mitsuki broke the dam holding her tears back, "Sarada go rejoin the others, I will KILL YOU BORUTO" Mitsuki said as he jumped enraged in Sage mode. Sarada began to fully breakdown as she begin to recollect all her memories of spending time with the Uzumaki she practically grew up with as a child. The same child that helped her escape her loneness as he tried to get her to come out of her shell growing up as a kid. The same child that she bickered with at the ninja academy in their youth as she tried to find her Ninja way. The same child that gave her the lunch meal to give to the seventh that eventually led to her reuniting with her father and fixing her bond with her family, as she learned from Naruto that connection to people isn't whether you are blood relative or not, but it is the feeling of love that makes one feel as family that make connection to one another matter, even if you aren't blood related. The small quest that eventually led to her discovering her dream of wanting to be Hokage, a symbol of love and hope for the unwanted and unloved like Naruto was to her at the very moment. She remember thanking the same child that helped her discover her life dream. She remember how she felt sad at how Boruto felt sadness of his father putting more effort in attending the village than his family and witnessing the pain and anger in his blue eyes. She remembers the spark of those blue eyes as he proclaim finding his ninja way, after his fight with Momoshiki Otsutsuki that invaded the Chunin exam, claiming that he didn't want to become hokage but instead become her right hand man and support her as hokage, proclaiming to protect her no matter what! At the time her heart throb rapidly as her face heated up, blush rose to her cheeks, she stared intimately at those blue eyes that were more blue than the seventh hokage. She remember all the missions after the Otsutsuki invasion as Boruto life began to become more chaotic instead of better, especially after they met him, Kawaki. At first Boruto and Kawaki were at odds with one another, constantly fighting and bickering kind of like her and Boruto in the early days of the Ninja academy. However, they began to bond after a while, perhaps things were getting better between the two boys, especially after their fight against Boro, then later on Isshiki Otsutsuki. However, Boruto was becoming more recluse and depress after the fight against Isshiki. Sarada recalled seeing the blue eyes depress and sad as he faked a smile with his friends and family to disguise his pain and depression. She recalled Mitsuki telling her how he was afraid of losing control to Momoshiki, afraid to go to sleep, the fear of harming her if he lost control again like last time that result in him taking her father Rinnegan out, after they killed Isshiki. She remember the guilt he held in those very blue eyes she loved so much. She assume things will get better after he was cherry eating his beloved burger, after sleeping well finally, thanks to peace of mind from Amado pills that gave him comfort in stopping his Otsutsukication. She remember flicking his forehead with her fingers, and seeing his goofy face for why she flicked his forehead. She just loved to see that goofy face of his that she haven't seen in a while. Once things seem like they were going good for the Uzumaki, troubled stirred once Kawaki and Boruto fought against Code. She was stunned to learn that he died in the fight, but luckily he was revived thanks to the monster that tried to take over his body for his resurrection. She remember feeling guilty and angry at not being strong enough to help him and discussed her feelings to Mitsuki, after meeting Boruto and cheeking if his wound still hurt from the battle, even if she did made him unconformable feeling his chiseled tone chest with her hands that a small part of her wanted to feel. She remember being confronted with Mitsuki about her feelings for Boruto and liking him in a romantic way. She remember feeling nervous as she dodged his question with a sweat running down her check, confused by her feelings. Then again she was asked her feelings by Ada about Boruto, blush rushed to her face as her heart began beating rapidly as she began getting nervous, as Sumire tell her through the Yamanaka jutsu to act like her captive. She remember wondering if it's not a bad thing to not be her captive and maybe she can help her out with her feelings for the blue eye boy as she helps her with Kawaki. She remember offer her friendships, through the hopes of helping her that she will help her with getting her otsutsuki related information that can help her to aid Boruto in getting control over Momoshiki. Just then afterwards that when things turn 180 downhill, as Kawaki gripped Boruto collar with eyes that looked deadly with a gaze of murdering him, which confused her why Kawaki was glaring at Boruto that way. Kawaki then left the house to supposedly go do an errand, as Boruto, Sumire, and her left the house to go shopping with Ada and Daemon. Once they returned from shopping, they learned that Kawaki sealed Boruto parents away. She remember calling out to Boruto as he immediately left the house to confront Kawaki. She then remember the fear and shock of learning that Kawaki was the one that killed Boruto and planned on doing it again in an attempt to get rid of Momoshiki, even if it means Boruto dieing forever. The very thought of it terrified her that her body react on its own, running fast as the speed of lighting to save Boruto before losing her shadow hokage forever. She remember the terror of seeing Kawaki going for the killing blow that she fired a fireball jetsu to stop his attack, and recalled asking Kawaki if he was dead serious on killing Boruto again, which to her dismay she discovered the truth, thus she leapt in front of Boruto, to protect her shadow she so dearly loves. She remember trembling with shock to see Kawaki sinister side as he quickly swing to cut her head off, only to feel arms hugged tightly around her as her feet were lifted off the ground. She remember the shock of seeing Boruto sacrificing his eye to save her. She remember not wanting to leave his side as Mitsuki left to pursue after Kawaki. She then remember the terrified shock upon his face as Mitsuki began attacking him once Mitsuki and her found Boruto in the forest. She was just in despair crying over her precious shadow suffering. Sarada father then stumbled upon her asking her if she was alright, and she confessed how Mitsuki wanted to kill Boruto and her father was strangely talking about how it was a normal reaction given he killed the seventh hokage. She was shock to find her father acting strangely too. Sumire then talked to her through the Yamanaka jutsu about everything that happen recently, about how she concluded Ada used a shinjetsu to reverse Kawaki and Boruto position to save Kawaki from sudden death. She began crying more that she was going to lose Boruto forever if she doesn't do something, then her father asked her if she was alright. Then she pleaded to her father that Boruto was innocent and he would never kill the seventh hokage, however it appear her father wasn't listening to her pleas. Thus she began to cry more as she remember the blond hair blue eye boy that save her life, the boy that saved her from loneliness as a child, that saved her by helping her discover her dream, that promise her to support her and be her right hand man when she becomes hokage! She didn't want to be in a world without her shadow by her side! She plead to her father, "You don't have to understand what I'm saying, but could you please just listen to the first and only selfish favor I'll ever ask,father"?

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