𝒂 𝒍 𝒊 𝒗 𝒆 ( 𝒑𝒕 2)

Comenzar desde el principio

She stayed silent while wrapping the jacker on top of her snuggling into it. Lucas just looked down at her Walkman as it stops. She turns to look at him and starts talking, I didn't understand much until i heard her say "I can never be happy Lucas, . . . not even with you." she sympathetically looked down tears falling down from her eyes. Lucas looked taken away trying to catch his breath. Realising what she just said to him. He didn't do anything just looking shocked and looking down to rewind her Walkman to replay Kate Bush. I could see a tear trickling its way down from Lucas's eye. And Max just silently sobbing. Them simply just sitting in silence.

Suddenly everything went black and i felt a heavy push in my heart. My eyes fluttered open and i was back in the hospital I was confused and scared at the same time I didn't even think i could get more shocked until Max's heartbeat suddenly increased going from 92oz to 145oz really fast. I was so scared my intrusive thoughts interrupted me and pressed the Bright big red button to the right of max . The only thing i remember next was getting dragged out the room by the doctors.

At this time Lucas was up asking me so many questions i couldn't comprehend at the time. After we both calmed down i broke into an ugly fit of sobs and slid down the wall.

No ones POV :

Lucas grabbed his walkie talkie and screamed "Dustin, Will, Mike CODE RED, I REPEATE A CODE RED! WE NEED HELP AT THE HOSPITAL BRING STEVE, JOYCE, HOPPER, ROBIN, NANCY AND JONOTHON WITH YOU GUYS HURRY. EL'S HURT!!" he screamed the last part in hurry as he told El he will be right back with water. He gave her the water bottle as she tried to chug the water desperately in need for energy.

~Time skip bc i said so~

Mike was holding El in his arms on the floor while everyone was around trying to take in what El just explained. "Okay, let me just get this straight before when you would go into Max's mind it would always be black. Right? But now there is a memory in there." Dustin asked trying to get an idea of what was happening. El nodded her head.

" And what was the memory?" Nancy asked. El looked at Lucas who was pacing back and forth after arguing with the doctors to let him go see Max. El just gulped a bit and tears started to spill out. Mike tried comforting her but she couldn't help. She didn't want to remind Lucas about the awful time when she realised what it meant. "It was at a skate park . . . with Lucas." El got out with a whisper. But Lucas heard her and remembered the memory of when his heart broke. It broke again right now if that is even possible and went to go sit down on a chair with his head down with his hoodie covering his head. He couldn't express any emotions he was too broken.

Everyone noticed the sudden sound of walking stop and looked over at Lucas. Then back at El again. "Was it a good memory" Steve asked even though he already knew the answer. El shook her head as a no. Steve just sighed in response. They just stood there in silence not knowing what to say next.

Lucas was thinking about what El just said about the memory and about Max. Why was her memory that. It was the worst day of his life. But he also remembered what she said in the trailer when they were gonna go 'defeate' vecna.

"But its my mind though. Right?"

"I just need to find a happy memory and hide there"

"Waaass I thereee?"

"That's presumptuous of you," "But yeah, yeah you might've been there."

Was that her happiest memory? Breaking up with him? All theses thoughts going through his mind he needed a break. He got up and left to exit the hospital. "Did she really not need me in her life?" "No! no that's not true she was talking to me even after we broke up, She looked at me in the eyes and talked to me, Had giggles with me, picked me as her partner." "Then why was that her memory that then? Was she just trying to make me feel better? Did she not need me in her life anymore? Like i was just a burden to her?" Angry tears formed in his eyes as he stormed off to his comfort place. . . The junkyard.

~Back to the party~

Everyone flinched at the hard sound of Lucas getting up from his spot and outside. Hopper sighed in frustration and soreness. Steve just rubbing his fingers on his chin and everyone else just looking down not knowing what was going on. "Wait didn't you say something about Max's heart rate increasing a lot?" Robin broke the silence. Everyone's faces shot up with hope. As if on que a doctor came up to them "She's under control now, You guys can come and see her"

"Do you know why her heart rate suddenly increased?" Joyce asked feeling worried.

"Maybe something was bothering her while in her coma something bad but we will look further into it,"The doctor replied.

"Okay," Joyce replied even more worried. Everyone went up into Max's room to go see her. Her heart rate back to normal. "We need to bring her back, we have to," El said in a stern tone. Everyone nodding in agreement. "but how?" Will asked so innocently. "Everyone still has their letters right?" El asked. There were a lot of 'hmms and nods. "Okay then I think I have a plan," El said with a force look on her face.




𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔! ™  ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora