He hugs you

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You and your team were on a mission to end this special grade spirit. Nanami, Haibara and you were having quite a hard time to end it. Haibara was badly injured so now it was only Nanami and you.

Y/N- see an opening?

Nanami- no I am not getting enough time

Y/N- we need to find a way, we gotta end it fast

(you said and Nanami nods. The cursed spirit had a great speed which was making it hard for you to use your cursed technique. You and Nanami would both attack the spirit with your weapons but it would find a way to escape)

Y/N- Kento-kun can you distract it for me for a few seconds?

Nanami- sure but what are you thinking?

Y/N- I am going to absorb it

(he was quite shocked, you avoid absorbing the cursed spirits because they make you sick. The stronger the spirit the worse it makes your health although you recover pretty fast as you use the absorbed cursed spirit to gain power, moreover to use your cursed technique to exorcise you need the spirit to stay kinda stable but to absorb it you just need your threads to pass through it. Nanami did what you said and somehow managed to distract the spirit by acting as a bait)

Y/N- Thread spinning technique: Total absorption

(your threads tie a knot within the cursed spirits body and absorbs it within you in an instant. Once absorbing the spirit you fell on your knees and breathe heavily, an uneasy feeling starting to run through your body. Your stomach felt sick you wanted to throw up at the feeling. You saw Nanami running towards you but you collapse on the ground.

Your eyes flutter open as the lights falls on your face. You manage to sit and instantly were pulled in a hug by two strong arms. The familiar smell of the person made you relax as you hug him back)

Nanami- how are you feeling?

Y/N- pretty good

(he breaks the hug and looks at you, cupping one side of your face and then gently places his lips on yours. As soon as he heard some footsteps he backs away and takes a seat)

Haibara- you are awake! I was scared you are going to die

Y/N- haha jokes on you I am still alive

Shoko- finally you were passed out for 10 days

Y/N- w-wow

Gojo- you broke your own record *laughs*

Y/N- atleast I broke a record unlike you who get a broken back every few days *wink*

(Gojo scowls at you making everybody in the room chuckle)

Suguru- how was it absorbing a special cursed spirit?

Y/N- it sucks, my whole body felt like it was sick a very uneasy feeling, my head felt heavy, it was just so weird, a totally different experience compared to absorbing another spirits.

Suguru- not surprised the negative energy is too much moreover you don't absorb spirits very often

YN- yeah, honestly Suguru senpai I respect you alot for eating them like i bet they taste like a rag used to clean vomit. I seriously felt a yecch & like throwing up after absorbing it.

(You gag at the thought of it leaving Geto flabbergasted on how accurate you were describing it's taste)

Gojo- you talk so much, you were better when you were passed out

(he looks at you with a blegh expression)

Y/N- then get lost! who told you to come here if you hate me so much

(you said pouting and looking the other side)

Gojo- right

(he said and left the room, you were kinda sad even though if he was joking. Geto pats your head making you look at him as he smiles at you. Everyone started to leave the room except for Nanami. Once everyone was out you hug him as he does the same)

Nanami- you had me worried

Y/N- wow look who was worried for me

(You said looking at him, his arms still around you. He just kisses your forehead and smiles a little)

Nanami- your brother left you something

(he said and present you a packet, opening it you found all your favorite food and drinks in it. Your eyes shine and then you found a note in it)

"you are still weak my idiot little sister"

~Your very handsome brother

Y/N- tsk! that moron

(You were happy even though he teased you. Both of you unaware that Gojo had his eyes on both of you, he smirks looking at you munching happily on the food and leaves)


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