arianagrandeismybae omi i miss you
omispams alex please come save me from the triplets this is torture
iamchrist BRUH

iamchrist that pic is so old i hate you
omispams wdym i took both those pics this week?

user last slide is so real

user why does omi even hangout w the triplets they seem so wired
billieeilishismybae wired

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𝐀 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊 was heard at the front door, so Naomi rushed down the stairs to open it. She smiled at the sight of Aya and Alex standing there. "Oh my god, i love you guys so much." she smiled and hugged them both.

"Alex told me you were being tortured?" Aya questioned, pulling away from the hug after a second. She looked at Naomi and nervously smiled, not knowing what 'tortured' meant according to Naomi.

Seriously, one time Naomi told Aya she was being tortured when all the triplets were doing was repeating the word chunky.

Naomi hated that word, clearly.

Omi nodded, "You should see the things they do to me. I mean seriously, they always randomly tackle me for no reason? Then Chris will always throw me on the couch? I don't get it."

"She's lying! We haven't done anything the whole time she's been here!" Matt yelled from the living room, causing Naomi's face to drop.

Alex chuckled as he began walking upstairs. He saw Matt on the couch, and Chris sitting at the dining room table. "Jesus, how boring can you guys get?"

Naomi followed behind him, "There's literally nothing to do. Name three things we could do right now that we would all enjoy." Naomi pulled her phone out from her pocket, "You're being timed. Go."

"Uhm.." Alex placed his pointer finger on his chin and he looked up at the celling, "We could go get f-"

"Don't say get food."

"But that's always what we do." Alex slumped down onto the couch and crossed his arms like he was a child.

"We could.. go live on twitch maybe? Do something like that?" Aya suggested, "Just hangout, or play something."

Naomi looked at Aya and pointed at her, then turning to look at Matt and Alex, "I think Aya has a great idea."

Matt stood up and stretched, "We could play games, we all know how ass Omi is at fortnite."

Chris laughed as Matt said that, "Omi always forgets how to build," he looked at her, still sitting at the dining room table, "dumbass."

Omi smiled and shook her head, "There's no way that you don't like switch the settings every time i play because they are different every time."

The group had been streaming for almost two hours now, everyone taking turns to play.

Aya died because she had gotten sniped, completely forgetting that she was out in the open. She threw her head back in frustration and groaned, "I hate this game so much."

Naomi sighed as Aya stood up and got out of the chair, that meant she was next. She stood up, feeling Chris' eyes follow her as she sat down in the chair Aya just sat in.

"I don't wanna play, dude." she took the headset and just held it in her hands.

Chris spoke up, "You don't have to if you-"

"Chris, shut the fuck up. I'm so ready to watch her die the second she loads into the game," Nick interrupted, helping Naomi place the headset on her head.

Omi groaned as she stared at the screen, watching as the game loaded in and she was suddenly in the battle bus. "Where do i even go?" she asked, looking at the camera then back at the screen.

"Go.." Alex helped to move Omi's fingers to move the camera view, "Go to Frenzy Fields."

Omi then landed near the barn, with Alex's help of course. She began to pick up anything and everything she saw. She walked around the map, looking uninterested. "I don't think i've ever been so miserable in my life."

"There's someone up there," Matt told Omi, watching as the view on screen moved to the person. She aimed her assault rifle at the figure on top of a hill and began to shoot.

"Omi, you literally have no aim. This is so embarrassing for you." Nick patted her back, pressing his lips together and slowly shaking his head.

"Nicolas, you're literally the one who taught me." Omi licked her lips, trying to focus on the game. After what seemed like forever, she finally got the kill.

She smiled and turned to look at Nick, "Sorry, what was that about bad aim?"

Nick immediately rolled his eyes and placed his hand on Omi's cheek, turning her head back towards the screen, "Shut the fuck up."


i didn't know what to write so i brought fortnite into it bc uh why not??

also bc i miss the streams 😕

- Rissa <3

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